

词汇 nose cone
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nose cones───n.(火箭或飞弹)前锥体;[航][军]头锥

Morse code───莫尔斯电报电码

lose count───不知道确切数目;数不清

nose candy───鼻子糖

nose candies───鼻糖

nose dive───头部朝下的俯冲;(价格等的)暴跌;一落千丈

nose job───鼻子整形手术

nose jobs───鼻子整形手术

nose out───比……略胜一筹


So the most appropriate solution is the lower nose cone.───麦克拉伦车队提高鼻锥好象很奇怪,但这很有意义.

The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.───空气动力学平稳鼻锥将在发射航天器的保护。

Spraying nose cone of high speed trains results in easy cleaning.───铁路运输喷在高速列车的头部,可以使清洗工作变得轻而易举。

The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.───在空气动力学平稳鼻锥将在发射航天器的保护.

What is the function of the nose cone?───头锥体在这里起什么作用 呢 ?

The rocket climbs upward and onward, with an artificial satellite cradled in its nose cone.───随带装在其前端锥形体内的一颗人造卫星,火箭一直向上,向前爬升.

Do you want to run an induction chamber and to a mask or just a nose cone?───您希望使用吸气室,面罩还是仅仅需要一个鼻吸呢?

At times it felt like I was strapped to the nose cone of a rocket.───一旦真的开拍了,我所能做的就是坚持下去,同时希望我不会太紧张.


Oxygen was being administered through a nose cone.

The aerodynamically smooth nose cone will protect the spacecraft during launch.

So the most appropriate solution is the lower nose cone.

Carrington looked at Talbot and shook his head, then dropped down to the sea-bed in front of the nose cone.

Except that the fire is definitely located in the nose cone, which would rule out any engine explosion.

The nose cone of the plane was shrouded in shadow.

What is the function of the nose cone?

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A spinner nose cone assembly to be built to drawing.

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