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词汇 north american
释义 north american
north american发音

北美洲的; 北美洲人的; 北美洲人(尤指美国、加拿大人),住在北美洲的人


North American───北美洲的

North Americans───北美

North America───北美洲

North Americas───北美洲

South American───南美洲的;南美洲人的

South Americans───南美洲

North African───n.北非居民;adj.北非的;北非人的


North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.───以常绿植物的嫩芽和针叶为食的北美松鸡.

I was in charge of Ford's North American operations.───我主管福特公司在北美的业务.

North American decumbent evergreen heathlike plant with yellow flowers.───北美的一种匍匐的石南状常绿植物,开黄花.

North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish - brown flowers.───北美洲的一种兰花,在晚夏每茎长出一片褶叠的常绿叶,在春季发出一枝有褐色花的花葶.

Boas's own research spanned the scope of anthropology in its North American definition.───博厄斯自己的研究涉及了北美人类学的整个领域.

North American herb with bitter - tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy.───北美的一种草本植物,类似水芹,但叶象艾菊叶.

North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit.───北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味.

North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival.───北美文学是今年艺术节的主题。

It'sits on the edge of the European and North American tectonic plates.───它座落于欧洲与北美洲板块的边缘.

North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts.───北美山胡桃树,有蓬松的灰色的表面粗糙的树皮和可食用的果儿.

Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues.───牙买加的雷盖音乐完全不同于北美的爵士乐或布鲁斯音乐。

Our North American Automotive Operations are headed by talented executives.───我们的北美汽车业务部是由富有才干的经理人员来领导的.

North American wild duck valued for sport and food.───北美洲贵重的猎用和食用野鸭.

Those European and North American young then return to their respective coasts to begin the unusual life cycle of the eel anew.───那些欧洲和北美洲的幼鱼随后回到它们各自的海岸,重新开始鳗鱼独特的生命周期。

Pumpkins are a big part of North American culture.───南瓜在北美洲的文化里占有很重要的地位。

The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities.───北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的.

Meanwhile, Ford's share of the North American market has steadily declined.───同时, 福特在北美市场的份额也缓慢下跌.

Their objectives were compatible with the interests of North American investors.───他们的目标符合北美投资者的利益.


In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.

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