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词汇 natural law
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自然法; 天道



natural laws───自然法则,自然律

natural gas───[油气]天然气

natural flair───天赋

natural dye───天然染料


natural death───正常死亡,自然死亡(指病死或老死,区别于意外伤害造成的死亡)

natural gases───天然气(naturalgas的复数)

natural grace───自然的优雅

natural light───[光]自然光


Human have evolved in a cosmic billiards pocket where the full natural law is somehow abbreviated.───人类已经在充足的自然法则不知何故被缩写的一个宇宙的撞球口袋中进展.

Natural law school provided necessarily theory supports for its generation and development.───自然法学派为其产生和发展提供了必不可少的理论支持.

It is an inviolable natural law that extinction is an irreversible step in the evolutionary process.───物种灭绝是进化过程中不可逆转的步骤,这是不可违背的自然法则.

St. Thomas Aquinas, a medieval theologian , tried to reconcile Aristotle's philosophy of natural law with Christianity.───圣.托马斯.阿奎那, 一个中世纪的神学家, 试图用符合亚里士多德的自然法哲学思想来解释基督教神学.

There are no unequals Before natural law.───在自然法则面前没有不平等的事物.

Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law.───为这种拒绝服从辩护的理由就是自然法至上原则.

Natural law and social law are the unity of opposites.───自然法则和社会法则是矛盾统一的.

This is the destiny that the Creator give you, is the natural law unable to change.───这是造物主给人的定数, 是任何人也改变不了的法则.

He prepared the ground for the secular, rationalistic version of modern natural law.───他为现代自然法世俗的, 理性主义的观点奠定了基础.

Comply with nature: Actively respect the natural law.───顺应自然: 积极主动地尊重自然规律.

The natural law also put forward the procedural moral issue of law.───自然法学还提出了法律的程序道德性问题.

At the basis of natural law is the concept that all persons have natural rights.───自然法的基础理念是人有自然权利.

The operation of natural law is constant.───自然法则的作用是永恒的.

John Finnis , Natural Law and Natural Rights, Oxford University Press, 1980 , p .88.───拉德布鲁赫:《法哲学》, 王朴译, 法律出版社, 2005年版,第2页.

The philosophical foundation of constitution and constitutionalism is based on the natural law.───近现代宪法与宪政所赖以建构的哲学基础是以个人为本的自然法思想.

Because natural law is universal, it takes on a higher order than positive or conventional law.───由于自然法具有普遍性, 因而它调整的高度要高于实在法或习惯法.

If walking is unusually slow, it will not be normal, and natural law will be hidden.───如果走的很慢就不自然, 而自然的法则也就被隐蔽了.

The civil disobedience theory of Rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition.───罗尔斯的公民不服从理论深深根植于西方自然法传统.

Third , we must protect the environment of economic development is a natural law requirements.───发展经济必须保护环境是自然规律的要求.

He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereinty.───他将自然法原则同人民主权论结合起来.

By the natural law which governs all effort , what he wrote reacted upon him.───根据主宰一切人类活动的自然规律, 他自己所写的东西首先对他自己发生了影响.

A reference to " natural law " can be found in the Epistle of Paul to the Romans.───在圣保罗致罗马人的使徒书信中就已论及了 “ 自然法 ”.

This explanation is against the natural law.───这种解释是违背自然规律的。

We must follow the natural law.───我们必须遵守自然法则.

Another result of the philosophy of natural law was a strong movement for legislation.───自然法哲学的另一个实际结果是,它掀起了强大的立法运动.

Grodius thereby grounded the natural law on an eternal reason pervading the cosmos.───据此,格劳休斯把自然法建立在一种遍及宇宙的永恒的理性的基础上.

It seemed as though he had for a soul the book of the natural law.───仿佛他在灵魂方面有一部自然的法典。

Cultivate openness, honesty, directness, and an understanding of natural law.───培养开放、诚实、率直和对自然法则的理解。

Natural law doctrine and social contract theory are different theory models in western political culture tradition.───在西方政治思想史上,自然法理论与社会契约论有着悠久的传统.

No one can survive violating natural law.───没有人能违背自然规律而生存.

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  • naturalization process
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  • naturalized meaning
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  • naturalist intelligence
  • naturalness and non
  • natural environment
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  • naturalize it
  • naturalize definition
  • natural waste
  • naturalized definition
  • natural law
  • natural nine
  • natural instinct
  • natural food
  • naturalized citizen




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