

词汇 mutual understanding
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[法] 互相谅解


cultural understanding───文化理解

cultural misunderstanding───文化误读

clear understanding───清楚的认识;明确的了解

current understanding───当前理解

good understanding───很好的理解


proper understanding───正确理解


Love is a mutual understanding between two people to manipulate each other.───爱是双方达成的操纵彼此的共识.

Youth across the Straits should strengthen exchange to enhance mutual understanding.───两岸青年应加强交往,增进了解.

Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in big business.───我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后的大笔交易.

We should have more contacts to enhance mutual understanding.───要多接触,增进了解.

His motive in coming was a wish to achieve mutual understanding.───他来的动机是想达成相互理解.

The passage of time has deepened our mutual understanding.───历时弥久,相知愈深.

mutual understanding and a sense of security that you both share.───你们之间相互理解并且都有安全感。

From acquaintance , mutual understanding, to the promise of life.───从认识 、 了解 、 相爱,直到承诺一生一世.

It focus on cooperation, communication, mutual - understanding and benefit common own.───它追求的不再是单独一方的独吞或占上风,而是力图满足对方的合理需求.

good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.───良好的亲子关系应该建立在相互理解和尊重的基础上。

We should promote the mutual understanding between the two countries.───我们要增进两国之间的相互了解.

This accepted leadership stems from common interest and mutual understanding.───这种可被接受的领导力(才能)是来自于共同兴趣和相互理解.

Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business.───我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后重要的生意.

Mutual understanding is the key to bridging the generation gap.───相互理解是消除代沟的关键。

We needed to establish relationships of mutual understanding and co - operationand generate empathy.───我们需要建立相互理解与合作的关系,引起共鸣.

But I believed that I had to try to promote mutual understanding.───但是我相信我是在试图增进双方互相的理解.

I believe that the world always have mutual understanding, one day.───我相信世人总有互相了解的一天.

To promote bilateral cooperation, it is essential to enhance mutual understanding.───为了促进双方的合作, 必须加强彼此的了解.


Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.

  • mutual support
  • mutual understanding
  • mutually exclusive events




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