

词汇 monkey business
释义 monkey business
monkey business发音




monkey businesses───胡闹,骗人的把戏;欺骗;恶作剧

core business───核心业务

funny business───n.不道德的行为;不规矩的事

messy business───乱七八糟的生意

monkey engines───锤式打桩机

new business───新业务

risky business───乖仔也疯狂(电影名)

banking business───[金融]银行业务

book of business───商业账簿


All right, boys, no monkey business, now, we've got to get this job done.───好了, 孩子们! 别胡闹了, 我们必须把工作做完.

After the teacher left, there was a lot of monkey business in the class.───在老师离开后, 班上恶作剧连连.

Just remember that on your side we want no monkey business of any kind.───那你们记住,我们决不允许有任何的欺骗行为.

No more monkey business.───不要再胡闹了。

Come on boys , let's cut out the monkey business and get down to work.───各位, 别胡闹了,快办正事.

Too much monkey business for me to get involved in.───太多骗人的把戏,我无法涉足其中.

It's monkey business a field trip to the zoo!───动物园之行遭遇猴子大哥,发生了什么?

They are doing monkey business.───他们做着见不得人的勾当.

There's been some monkey business going on here!───有人在这里搞鬼!

The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on in the class.───老师怀疑班上一直有人在搞鬼.

In India monkey business takes on a whole new meaning.───在印度猴子交易开始有了一个新的意义。

There is too much monkey business going on in the governor's office.───州长办公室搞鬼搞得太厉害了.

His wife could do nothing about his monkey business at the pub.───他的太太对于他在俱乐部胡闹束手无策.

No more monkey business!───不要再胡搞了!

Stop the monkey business. This is serious!───别胡闹了, 这可不是闹着玩的.

  • monkey ball
  • monkey face
  • monkeys for pets
  • monkey time
  • monkeys for adoption
  • monkey wrench
  • monkey wrenches
  • monkey magic
  • monkey climb
  • monkey girl
  • monkeys song
  • monkey town




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