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词汇 modest means
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golden means───中庸之道;[数]黄金分割(等于goldensection)

locust beans───槐豆

modern man───现代人

modern men───现代人


modern greats───现代伟人

modest salary───不多的薪水;微薄的工资


To avoid this fate, we all need to work out how to live within our new and increasingly modest means.───要避免这种命运,我们所有人都必须想法设法,以一种新的、更为节俭的方式量入为出。

They argued that Americans, even those of modest means, were abandoning merely adequate products for luxurious ones.───他们认为美国人,甚至是那些收入中等水平的人,都抛弃了一般的货物,追逐奢华的商品。

Postcards continued to be used by people of modest means to convey important family news long after telephones ceased to be a novelty.───在电话是稀松平常之物,人们曾还继续使用明信片这种委婉的方式来传达重要的家庭消息。

But he said there needs to be a way to provide health insurance to those of modest means.───但他也说,需要找到一条为低收入者提供医疗保险的途径。

Most of the pardons were for people of modest means who had no way to break through the system.───大多数赦免书颁给了那些无法突破法律体系的收入不高的人群。

Would like to take to improve China's legal system, strengthening the legal protection of the area of contract, a modest means.───希望借此为完善我国法制、加强合同领域的合法保障,出一份绵薄之力。

You may be surprised to find American students at your university who come from very modest means and who struggle daily with money issues.───你也许会很惊讶的发现你们学校的美国学生有富家子弟,也有每天为了生计烦忧的穷学生。


The family survived on modest means.

They were genteel ladies and unmarried, and what they could claim, therefore, were modest means and purity.

Many Low Countrymen of more modest means emigrated for much of the year to work in expanding sectors of the economy.

A university professor who used his modest means to collect over 300 valuable artworks has donated them to the National Gallery.

Being of very modest means, but having some contacts upon the turf, he attempted to increase his wages by gambling.

The Latin pauper means a person of modest means rather than some one without food, roof, or clothing.

Even private investors of modest means can use offshore centres for tax referral.

  • modest shed
  • modest clothing
  • modesty placket
  • modest means
  • modest mouse
  • modest meaning
  • modest wedding dresses




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