

词汇 mobile phones
释义 mobile phones
mobile phones发音

n.移动电话( mobile phone的名词复数 )


mobile phone───手机;行动电话

mobile homes───n.拖车住房;可移式住宅(mobilehome的复数)

mobile home───n.(拖车型)活动房屋;拖车住房

mobile shops───移动商店;[贸易]流动商店;流动售货车,流动售货汽车

bile stones───胆结石

mobile shop───移动商店;[贸易]流动商店;流动售货车,流动售货汽车

mobile numbers───手机号码


mobile phone chickens───手机鸡


Mobile phones made our life much easier and more colorful.───手机使我们的的生活更方便、更多彩.

That's not a problem. All mobile phones can send text messages.───那不是问题. 所有的手机都能发短信息.

Mobile phones are now spreading fast, even in the poorest parts of the world.───即便是世界上最贫穷的地区,手机也在迅速普及。

Devices were grouped by generation — desktop computers, basic mobile phones, and box-set TVs.───设备按年代分组——台式电脑、基本移动电话和1992年定义的盒式电视机。

Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance.───请确保演出时关上所有手机。

Buy mobile phones to China West Gate , starfish head monk Road.───买手机到西华门, 海星和尚扑路.

Mobile phones must be switched off or turned to silent.───手机必须关掉或调成静音.

Each have their own mobile phones advantages and weaknesses.───每款手机都有各自的优势与不足.

Today, operators run separate but interconnected networks for fixed and mobile phones.───今日的公司企业虽然分散经营,但他们却通过固定与移动电话相互沟通.

Function: mobile phones and fixed telephone area code attribution to inquiries.───功能: 移动电话和固定电话区号归属地查询.

Mobile phones are the most frequently used communicating tool.───手机是使用最频繁的通讯工具了.

And mobile phones are also becoming a new scene on campus.───而在大学校园里,手机也已经成为了一道新的风景.

Mobile phones and email were the preserve of nerds and techies.───手机和电子邮件还只是少数电脑技术发烧友的专利.

Like everything else mobile phones have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.───像其他一切移动电话都有利和不利的方面.

It is obvious that mobile phones are quite popular nowadays.───这是显而易见的,手机是现在很流行.

They note the good - mode mobile phones, very flat, very good technology.───他们帖的手机模很好, 很平展, 技术很好.

But starting in 1997 mobile phones were introduced in Kerala.───自1997年喀啦啦邦人开始使用手机,电话的覆盖率就不断扩大.


The demand for mobile phones shows no signs of dropping off.

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.

Mobile phones are definitely here to stay.

In one instance, several people had their mobile phones stolen.

People are using mobile phones more because they are cheaper.

Mobile phones make a big fashion statement.

Maybe the mobile phones at the Docklands beer festival were no mere accident.

In our times, there were no mobile phones so we had a gala time. If we had phones then there was fear of getting caught. Jeetendra 

The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.

  • mobile library
  • mobile devices
  • mobile fire
  • mobile texte




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