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词汇 mind off
释义 mind off
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mid off───中间偏下

wind off───vt.解开,开放;卷开

died off───一个一个地死去

fend off───v.避开;挡开

hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换

kind of───有点儿;有几分

mind out───注意;当心


Let's go to the cinema. That will take your mind off the problem for a while.───我们去看电影吧,这样会使你的头脑暂时不去想这个问题。

The boy can't get his mind off play.───孩子玩得心都收不回来了。

a game of tennis?" suggested Alan. "That'll take your mind off things."───一场网球怎么样?”艾伦建议道,“那会转移一下你的注意力。”

If the boots fit, immediately begin with an activity - like a dog walk - to take his mind off the boots.───如果适合的靴子,立即开始与活动-像狗散步-靴子脱下他的脑海。

You shouldn't have to get your mind off of him. He's your son. That's why you need to move to Florida.───你不必非得忘记他。他是你的儿子。所以你需要搬去弗罗里达。

You'd better take your mind off the math problem that you were swearing over for the last two hours.───这道数学题你都琢磨两个小时了,你最好放松一下自己。

She dug into the scoop of her ice cream that floated in the glass to take her mind off the fact that he will not come to meet her.───她挖出一勺浮在杯中的冰淇淋,力图把他没有来赴约的事实抛之脑后。

"I love to have fun but I also need to do this to take my mind off (the fact) that business is just awful these days, " he said.───“我也爱玩,我必须出去才能让精神放松一下,这几天的生意真是糟糕。”

With Dad's funeral scheduled for the next day, it was all I could do to take my mind off the reality of his heart attack.───当爸爸的葬礼预定于次日,它是我可能做采取我的头脑他的心脏病发作的现实的所有。


Going back to work helped take my mind off my Ian's death.

The doctor managed to took the patient's mind off the symptom.

Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems.

Painting helped take her mind off her troubles.

Letters could take my mind off most things.

Want a game? It might take your mind off things .

Take your mind off it by engrossing yourself in a good book.

That'd keep her mind off herself quick enough.

I can't take my mind off of...

  • mind of mine
  • mind ma
  • mind vector
  • mind games
  • mind master
  • mind freak
  • mind you
  • mindman Rci
  • mind off
  • mind conrotl
  • mind funk




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