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词汇 mental disorders
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mental disorder───精神病;心理失常

mental distress───精神苦闷,精神上的痛苦

mentally disordered───精神紊乱

developmental disorders───发展失常

eating disorders───饮食失调;进食障碍

mood disorders───心境障碍;情绪异常;情感性疾患

panic disorders───惊恐性障碍,恐慌症

bipolar disorders───抑郁狂躁型忧郁症;双相障碍(bipolardisorder的名词复数)

developmental disorder───发展失常


And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders.───而且很多的无家者有严重的心智混乱.

Mental disorders are common.───精神疾病是常见病。

The survey also found rural residents suffer a higher prevalence of mental disorders than urban residents.───调查中还发现,精神紊乱的发病率在农村要比在城市更高.

Objectie : To study the causes of mental disorders on initial stage of peritoneal dialysis.───目的: 探讨分析腹透初始阶段精神障碍的原因.

Psychosurgery: Treatment of psychosis or other mental disorders by means of Brain surgery.───精神外科: 用脑外科方法来治疗精神病或其它精神疾患的手术.

Mental disorders are common in big crowded cities.───在拥挤的大城市里,精神病是很普遍的.

Mental disorders increase risk for communicable and non - communicable diseases, and contribute to unintentional and intentional injury.───精神障碍增加了传染性疾病和 非 传染性疾病的危险, 并导致非故意伤害和故意伤害.

Most mental disorders can be Broadly classified as either psychoses or neuroses.───绝大部分的精神疾患,都可以广义分为精神病和精神官能症两种.

Q: What are the early signs of mental disorders?───问: 精神障碍的早期征兆是什么?

Psychiatry: Branch of medicine concerned with mental disorders.───精神病学: 和精神性疾病有关的医学分支.

What? I thought mental disorders were hereditary.───什么? 我以为这种精神失调是遗传的.

Objective To investigate the prognosis of mental disorders associated with Qi - Gong.───目的探讨首次诊断为气功所致精神障碍患者的预后.

Objective To study the effect of psychotherapy in mental disorders due to witchcraft.───目的探讨心理干预对巫术所致精神障碍的作用.

Today, we explore Freud's influence on the treatment of mental disorders through psychotherapy.───今天, 我们探索弗洛伊德在通过心理疗法治疗精神疾病方面的影响.

Mental disorders arise from the complex interplay of heredity, biology and environment.───遗传因素 、 生物因素和环境因素相互作用导致心理障碍.

It was eventually dropped from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as overly Broad.───后来在《精神障碍病人的诊断和统计手册》中把这个词删除了,因为其所涵盖的范围太过广泛.

It has been used to pacify people suffering from mental disorders.───它一直被用作安抚精神失调病人的情绪.

What are the early signs of mental disorders?───精神障碍的早期征兆是什么?


Results Clinical history indicated that the mental disorders were occurred in cases of brain contusion syndrome (26.2%), amnestic syndrome (21.4%) and neuroses (16.6%) were occurred.

Methods The mental disorders conditions of 103 victims' relatives were investigated, and corresponding mental and pharmacal intervention were performed.

Mental disorders increase risk for communicable and non - communicable diseases, and contribute to unintentional and intentional injury.

An overdose can cause mental disorders, fits, a coma or death.

Sleep deprivation can result in mental disorders.

Delusions are typical symptom of various mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophreniform disorder.

Why should daily mood changes not be mental disorders if monthly ones are?

Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.

She knew people with mental disorders could often be extremely clever at concealing them.

  • mental exercise
  • mental capacity
  • mentally healthy
  • mentally disturbed
  • mental agility
  • mental disability
  • mental notes
  • mental math
  • mental exercises
  • mental abuse
  • mental discipline
  • mental register
  • mental outlook
  • mental disorders
  • mental model
  • mental health
  • mental floss




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