

词汇 medicine cabinet
释义 medicine cabinet
medicine cabinet发音




medicine cabinets───药柜;医药箱

filing cabinet───档案橱柜

medicine boxes───药品箱

medicine chest───药品箱;药柜

medicine dance───驱病舞

medicine dances───驱病舞

medicine man───巫医;成药推销员;有法术之人

medicine cupboard───药柜

Medicine Hat───梅蒂逊哈特市(加拿大西南部城市)


Why did the girl tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?───为什么女孩蹑手蹑脚走过药箱?

Anyone with something to hide wouldn't keep it in the medicine cabinet.───人们要想藏些东西是不会藏在药柜里的.

Is this a medicine cabinet?───这是药橱 吗 ?

She looked in the medicine cabinet and found some aspirin.───她在药橱中翻看了一下,找到几片阿司匹林。

I always have it in my medicine cabinet.───我一直把它放在药用箱里。

And then there is the home medicine cabinet staple.───还应该有个家庭常用药箱.

Why did the girl tiptoe medicine cabinet?───为什么女孩蹑手蹑脚走过药铺?

Go through your medicine cabinet.───检查一下你们的药箱.

Check your medicine cabinet for expired or unidentified medicines. Flush them down the toilet.───检查药柜里过期或身份不明的药品, 将它们倒入厕所.

So should middle - aged men medicine cabinet of these pain relievers?───那么是不是 中年人 应该拒绝止痛药 呢 ?

But before you head to the medicine cabinet, consider this.───但是,在你前往药柜之前,考虑这一点。

There were about 10 prescription drug bottles in the medicine cabinet.───药柜中大约有10个处方药瓶.

OBJECTIVE : To analyze problems occurred in the practical use of clinical medicine cabinet and raise countermeasures.───目的:分 析临床小药柜在实际应用中出现的问题及解决对策.

One day, the smaller the medicine cabinet, the more powerful it may turn out to be.───总有一天, 医疗机构的人员会逐渐减少, 而它的能力却会变得越来越强.

Just reach into the medicine cabinet the next time you need to clean chrome bathroom fixtures.───下次你要清洁浴室设备时不妨到药柜找找看.

The star of my medicine cabinet is the humble aspirin.───我家药柜里的压箱宝要算是那不起眼的阿司匹林。

After they've finished with the pantry, the medicine cabinet, and the attic.───当他们整理晚餐具室 、 药品橱柜和小阁楼之后.


Why did the girl tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?

A perusal of the medicine cabinet could have told them that much.

The aspirin's in the medicine cabinet.

Is this a medicine cabinet?

Why did the girl tiptoe medicine cabinet?

Problem: Your bathroom lacks a medicine cabinet.

There was a stainless-steel sink, and a mirrored medicine cabinet.

And then there is the home medicine cabinet staple.

Go through your medicine cabinet.

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