

词汇 master planning
释义 master planning
master planning发音




manpower planning───人力计划;劳动力规划

master plan───总体规划;蓝图

master plans───总体规划;蓝图

sales planning───销售计划

city planning───城市规划


family planning───n.计划生育


We also provide master planning and development feasibility studies adopting modular designed buildings, to support Chinese real estate development and investment internationally.───另外,我们为中国及境外的地产开发与投资项目,提供适合于装配化建造的总体规划与开发可行性研究。

The paper tries to discuss new thoughts and methods of urban master planning compiling on the basis of existing theory and practice of planning, and the social and economic background.───本文试图在现有的规划理论与实践经验的基础上,结合我国所处的社会经济背景,探讨适合我国总体规划编制改革的思路和方法。

Master planning master planning should enable sustainable development of the entire scenic area.───具备可持续发展的景区整体规划.

SRT (S&P) Design Group has long been recognized by industry players for design creativity and state of the art master planning.───城设?综合?国际集团长久以来以独特的设计创造力与卓越而富有前瞻性的总体规划受到业界的广泛认可。

This paper selects a questionnaire survey for green space master planning to citizens' thinking of a national garden city.───精选了某个国家级园林城市的绿地系统规划前期针对市民意愿的问卷调查作为案例。

The incumbent will lead project team that conceptualizes and manages the execution of master planning of large scale mixed-use developments.───主要负责带领项目团队对大型多用途城市核心发展项目的总体规划的执行过程提供概念化和管理。

Questionnaire survey is applied in planning and design fields widely, especially in the important projects like master planning.───问卷调查在规划设计学领域应用非常广泛,特别是在总体规划等重大项目中。

Make reasonable master planning according sales order, follow production ensure the completion rate reach the target.───根据销售定单合理安排生产产线计划,并跟踪生产情况,努力保证计划完成率达到目标。

He has extensive project experience in sports planning, event architecture and large scale multi-use master planning projects.───他在体育设施规划,建筑及大型活动中做总体规划的项目,具有丰富的项目经验。


Make reasonable master planning according sales order, follow production ensure the completion rate reach the target.

The paper tries to discuss new thoughts and methods of urban master planning compiling on the basis of existing theory and practice of planning, and the social and economic background.

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