

词汇 gotten through
释义 gotten through
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getting through───钩式投球

goes through───参加;经受;仔细检查;通过

gone through───参加;经受;仔细检查;通过

got through───v.结束,通过

letted through───通过

rotten borough───(英国1832年前)有名无实的选区

letting through───允许通行,允许通过;旅行

putting through───v.接通;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受

rattled through───迅速地做好


May: Wow, there is no exam that can be easily gotten through.───阿美:哇,没有任何考试时容易通过的。

I am not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith," she said.───她说:“如果不是信仰,我可能无法挺过来。”

Now that we've gotten through these definitions, there are many unanswered questions.───现在我们已浏览过这些定义了,但还有很多未回答的问题。

And if they're going to be seeking the goods that they might have gotten through that trade elsewhere, it's going to be at a higher cost.───如果他们试图通过其他渠道获得他们本可通过这些贸易取得的货物,成本就会增加。

"I'm not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith, " she said in response to a question about how she dealt with the infidelity.───希拉里在被问及她是怎样对待克林顿的不忠行为时回答说:“如果没有信仰,我不能肯定自己是否能度过这个难关。”

Five years, company had gotten through the hardship date as well as me. I set up profound friendship with the company.───五年了,陪伴公司度过了最艰难的时期,取公司建立了深厚的感情,正在不同的岗位上本人也获得了很多。

Once he'd gotten through to the port, he put the switchblade down and picked the chip back up. It calmed him, having the chip in hand.───当约翰打开了芯片接口,他慢慢地放下刀子,把芯片拿在手里让他平静了下来,他是如此的接近她…

The good news is that the message from the markets seems to have gotten through.───好消息在于,市场传达出来的信息看来是得到了充分的理解。

"I am not sure I would have gotten through it without my faith, " she said.───她说:“如果不是信仰,我可能无法挺过来。”


S curve, time unit hydro graph and surface runoff hydrograph can be gotten through instantaneous unit hydrograph.

The theory formula according stabile factor to calculate the stable factor of slope was gotten through deep-going research for slip factor.

As for hardware design, in signal converter, in order to improve sensitivity, the parameter of signal converter is gotten through math illation.

In layout, the coding for vertical setover , placement angle and layout mode of blanking part are made, and the layout step corresponding every unit is gotten through collision theory.

The silicon steel plates of the motor and transformer were gotten through dies.

  • gotten out of




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