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词汇 make the effort
释义 make the effort
make the effort发音




worth the effort───值得努力

make the cut───达到标准,打折扣;(高尔夫)(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛资格

waste effort───浪费精力

make the best of───充分利用;尽力而为;妥善处理

examine the effect───检查效果

best effort───尽力而为,尽最大努力;尽力服务

decent effort───不错的努力


As you get to know the people in your organization or on your team, you will be able to understand both what and how they think-but only if you make the effort.───随着你对组织中或者团队中的人的了解一步步深入,你将会明白他们的所想以及他们为何这么想—但你必须为此付出努力。

I try to do something, however little, try to make the effort to wash and dress and go for a walk every day, which helps me to feel in control of my life.───我会尽力去做一些事情,尽管很微小,我会努力每天去洗漱更衣并且出去散步,这可以帮助我感觉到我还能够控制我的生活。

The turnout tends to be low in special elections, as elsewhere; but politicians can usually depend on older voters to make the effort.───和其他地方一样,此次参与递补选举的人数偏少,但一般来说,政客们依赖于老人选民为此次选举投上关键票。

Go grocery shopping once a week. You'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once.───一周去一次杂货店。在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。

Just be realistic about how much of it you can personally manage, and then make the effort to reach back to people who are awesome.───要真实地知道你能掌握的是多少,然后努力去与那些了不起的人保持联系。

It's really easy to solve the problem of vulnerability to malware, if we but make the effort, if we only care enough to bother.───受到恶意软件利用这个问题真得容易解决,只要我们付出努力,只要我们对麻烦足够关心。

Having her here allowed me to make the effort, and I felt that I was making up for lost time.───跟她在一起的时候,我找到了丢失的快乐时光。

Every breath that you draw into your body requires you to take a step or make the effort from one part of the triad to another.───你汲取到你身体的每一次呼吸需要你从三元组的一部分到另一部分迈出一步或做出努力。


Leaders must make the effort to consult and correct and encourage so that what may begin in childishness can grow to maturity.

Tom wants to make the effort but lacks a clear understanding of what he is supposed to do.

It then makes sense to make the effort to improve the lighting.

I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.

They decided to make the effort.

As often as not when I make the effort to visit her, I wonder why I've even bothered.

Members from many distant places make the effort to attend and find it well worthwhile.

After all, I make the effort to cast my vote and those few minutes are very important to me.

One ought to make the effort to vote.

  • make sure that
  • make the
  • make a funny
  • make die
  • make up
  • make me tick
  • make a deal with the devil
  • make my words
  • make the idea
  • make itTO
  • make a video
  • make dumpling
  • make a fist
  • make choice
  • make the effort
  • make up forever
  • make my move
  • makeshift greenhouse
  • make a request for
  • make any noise
  • make a survey




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