

词汇 machine gun
释义 machine gun
machine gun发音

n.机关枪; 机枪



machine guns───[军]机关枪

machined gun───[军]机关枪

machines gun───[军]机关枪






The enemy's machine gun was put out of action.───敌人的机枪被打坏了.

A machine gun was still blazing from a nearby roof.───一架机关枪仍在附近的屋顶上连射.

It was machine gun fire.───是机关枪在扫射。

Bullets were fed into a machine gun.───子弹已装入机关枪中。

In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.───机枪在黑暗中吐出一道凶厉的白光,活象一支喷火的乙炔吹管.

The machine gun rattled away.───机枪格格地响个不停.

Croft pulled back the bolt on his machine gun and rammed it home.───克洛夫特把机枪枪拴一按,顶上了膛.

A machine gun obtained by Mahdi forces , now exhibiting in Al Khalifa Museum.───陈列于喀土穆哈里发博物馆的机枪.原属英军所有,被马赫迪的起义军缴获.

The distant crackle of machine gun fire.───远处传来的机关枪声.

He watched as the GIs set up a machine gun.───他看到美国兵架起了一挺机关枪.

The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.───部队的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。

This toy machine gun dismantles easily.───这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸.

You'd be lucky to shoot a fighter down with a light machine gun.───你很幸运能用机关枪打下一架战斗机.

With a pistol guns head shot proud to play an empty machine gun bullets Hair ashamed.───有了手枪枪枪爆头为荣,以发挥一空机枪子弹发惭愧.

The Japanese machine gun raked through the bush at them.───日本人的机枪在矮树丛里来回扫射,不肯放过他们.

Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.───飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。

Bullets fed into a machine gun.───子弹压进机枪.

He had been mistaken for the inventor of the machine gun.───他被误认为是机关枪的发明者。

A hand clamped on his shoulder, while another hand wrenched the machine gun from his grasp.───一只手捏住他的肩膀, 另一只手扭动着把机枪从他手里夺去.


In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.

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