flowering flax───大花亚麻
flowering ash───花白蜡树
lowering case───小写字母盘
flowering maple───花苘麻
flowering plant───开花植物;有花植物
Other research has shown that moderate olive oil consumption—defined as 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day—can improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol, according to the FDA.───其它研究结果也说明,适量使用橄榄油——适量的定义是每天2汤匙的量——能够通过降低LDL胆固醇来改善你的心脏健康,据美国食品药品管理局称。
Oats in all forms can help your heart by lowering LDL, the bad cholesterol.───形式的燕麦可以帮助降低低密度脂蛋白,降低坏胆固醇,从而对心脏有好处。
Conclusion: The hypolipidemic mechanism of Yaobao Xuezhiqing capsules is related lowering LDL-C in blood-serum and increasing TC egest with excrement.───结论:瑶宝血脂清胶囊降血脂作用与降低血清中低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和促进体内的TC随粪便排泄有关。
Other research has shown that moderate olive oil consumption—defined as 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day—can improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol, according to the FDA.
- lowering ldl