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词汇 automatic pilot
释义 automatic pilot
automatic pilot发音




automatic pilots───[航]自动驾驶仪;自动导航装置

on automatic pilot───机械地,无意识地

automatic rifles───n.自动步枪

automatic door───[建]自动门

automatic rifle───n.自动步枪

automatic drives───自动驾驶

automatic repeat───自动重复

automatic doors───[建]自动门

automatic drive───自动驾驶


Bruce Dale , Palmdale, California, 1977, Streams of light trace a Lockheed TriStar landing on automatic pilot.───美国加利福尼亚,棕榈谷, 1977年,布鲁斯·戴尔, 光的流线追踪着一架靠自动导航降落的洛克希德三星喷气飞机.

Too much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot.───似乎有太多篇幅是有关自动驾驶仪的.

Your swing will be on automatic pilot.───你的挥拍将在自动装置上很自然发生.

Honored guest: Sometimes our driving person goes automatic pilot to tour.───嘉宾: 有时我们开车人去自驾游.

You've made that same trip so many times before that you're on automatic pilot.───这一行程你以前已经走过多次了,早就了如指掌了。

She went about her chores on automatic pilot.───她很自觉地着手做家务.

He turned on the switch and cut in the automatic pilot.───他打开开关,接通自动驾驶仪.

Automatic pilot drives rudders by communicating with servo controller through CAN bus.───自动驾驶仪通过CAN总线与舵机控制系统通信,实现了对舵的分布式控制.

And while we can always learn and grow, most people seem to live on automatic pilot.───然而我们可以常常学习并获得成长,但大部分人其实却是机械地生活着。

Japan rents, monthly rent, annual rent, automatic pilot.───日租, 月租, 年租, 自驾.

I got up and dressed on automatic pilot.───我习惯性地起床穿衣。

Imagine riding in a speedboat on a lake with an automatic pilot set to go east. ───想像你乘坐一艘快艇在湖中飞驰,快艇以自动导航器操作,正朝东方前进;


The aircraft was set on automatic pilot.

  • automatic transmission
  • automatically close the applications
  • automatic script
  • automatically synonym
  • automatic door lock
  • automatically meaning
  • automatical piston telescopic rotation




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