to loom large───凸出
door charge───上门收费
at large───详尽的;未被捕的;整个的;一般的;普遍的
bulk large───显得大;显得重要
in large───大规模地
look hard───仔细看
look here───喂!注意!
loop line───环线,[交][通信]环形线路;封闭线路;循环管路
Trifles loom large to an anxious mind.───顾虑多的人,草木皆兵.
This inevitably means that clean coal and carbon loom large on any bilateral energy agenda.───这不可避免地意味着,在中美有关能源的任何双边议程中,洁净煤和碳封存议题占据高位.
Triffles loom large to an anxious mind.───顾虑多的人遇到小事也会忧心忡忡.
Among the risks, however, food security concerns loom large.───然而,粮食安全问题在各类风险中最为突出的。
Two risks loom large.───目前存在两大风险.
The issue of pay will loom large at this Easters teacher conferences.───在今年复活节举行的教师会议上,工资问题将显得很突出.
But by 2012 the threat posed by deficits will loom large.───但是到2012年,来自财政赤字方面的威胁将放大。
The cares of life did not loom large in night watches for this young man.───对于这个年轻人来说生活的忧虑在不眠之夜并不显得很大.
Intellectual property issues also loom large.───知识产权也是一个突出的问题。
These problems loom large right now but are probably surmountable with ingenuity.───这些目前看来高不可攀的问题,迟早可用创意来解决.
While murders loom large, other categories of campus crime are raising concern, too.───在谋杀的威胁日益突出的同时, 其他类型的犯罪也吸引了人们的关注.
Problems loom large when men don't.───困难象弹簧,你弱它就强.
Issues concerning long - term care, Medicare, and insurance loom large.───长期 的护理 、 医疗卫生和保险问题接踵而至.
However, two major problems loom large in the shortage of energy and environmental pollution.───我国目前正处于汽车产业高速发展期,能源缺乏和环境污染两大问题日益凸显.
Size , price, location and floor plans soon loom large and become new reference points.───大小 、 价格 、 位置和房型很快会浮现在脑海中,成了新的比较点.
The Simon family continues to loom large across the story.───在整个故事中,西蒙一家都扮演着重要角色.
- loom bands
- looming danger
- loom large