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词汇 long in the tooth
释义 long in the tooth
long in the tooth发音




be long in the tooth───长牙

kick in the teeth───草率从事;粗暴对待

toss in the towel───认输

canine tooth───犬齿

go in the tank───去坦克里

sting in the tail───(尤指令人不快的)意外结局;唱片名(StingintheTail)

a kick in the teeth───(出乎意料的)非难;责备,口头指责批评;挫败

throw in the towel───认输

dog in the manger───自己不能享用也不让他人享用的人


Aren't I a bit long in the tooth to start being an undergraduate?───我现在才去读大学本科不是有点太老了吗?

Hilda a bit long in the tooth to be wearing that lowcut dress?───演这样一个具有浪漫色彩的角色,她年纪有点太大了。 收藏。

He's really long in the tooth for such a job.───干这种工作他的年纪太大了.

She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl.───她扮演少女的角色年龄太大了一点.

I'M a bit long in the tooth for doing such a job again.───我想 我 的年纪太大了,不宜干这种工作.

She's a Bit long in the tooth for such a romantic role.───演这样一个具有浪漫色彩的角色,她年纪有点太大了。

Isn't Hilda a bit long in the tooth to be wearing that lowcut dress?───希尔达穿着领口开得这么低的衣服,她的年纪是否太大了一点?

He is a bit long in the tooth to be playing Tom Sawyer.───他年纪大了,不能再扮演汤姆·索亚了.

I am too long in the tooth to take this stressful job.───我年纪太大,无法胜任这个充满压力的工作.

Mary is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl.───玛丽扮演少女的角色年纪未免太老了点.

He's already long in the tooth for such a job.───干这种工作,他的年纪太大了.

Dennis: Wow, I had no idea you were so long in the tooth!───丹尼斯: 哇, 我不知道你这麽老了耶!

  • long-tailed duck
  • longitudinal and cross-sectional
  • long-suffering meaning
  • longer hair
  • long way down
  • long-staple wool
  • long neck
  • longboat key
  • long position
  • long away
  • long rafelldown
  • long lai
  • long-tailed goral
  • long tails
  • long game player
  • long sleep
  • long overdue
  • long journey into night
  • longwood fl
  • longbow kit
  • long staple cotton




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