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词汇 logged out
释义 logged out
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flagged out───发出信号

bugged out───撤退;暴突

fagged out───使极累

gouged out───凿槽;挖出

locked out───乌龙差佬(电影名)

logged off───注销;断线,退出系统

logged on───登录;注册

looked out───注意;面朝;照料;当心

pegged out───用木桩在地上划界


If you logged out, remember to log back in as tw_user.───如果已经退出,记得以tw_user重新登录。

If not, they will remain logged out.───如果没有成功,则用户将保持注销状态。

I logged out, shut down, and headed out the door.───我退出系统,关机,冲了出去。

Fixed an issue where if you logged out or exited PVP. net while in queue, it would not always correctly remove you from the queue.───修正当你退出或者登出大厅后,你会被正确的从排队列表里移除。

Second, it allows the communication of privacy settings and manages sessions better once the person has logged out of a federated resource.───第二,它允许交换个人设置,因此在用户注销离开一项联合资源的时候,可以较好地管理Session。

If you are logged out of your account when your portable is lost, and FileVault is turned on, your information is safe.───如果您的PowerBook丢失时已注销您的帐户,并且FileVault已打开,您的信息就是安全的。

If you manage to reconnect before you are logged out, the type of game you were playing determines what you will see upon reconnection.───假如在登出前您重接了网络,您所进行游戏的种类决定了重接后所看到的画面。

You can see that a logged-in user can log out or view his or her profile, and a logged out user can sign up or log in.───您会发现已登录的用户可以登出系统或查看其配置文件,而已登出的用户则可以注册或再次登录。


Unfortunately, the items Magic Umbrella and Magic Cleaning Tool are temporary items that expire as soon as the account is logged out of.

It adds that, at current rates, the forests' will be effectively logged out within 40 years.

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