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词汇 loan applications
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loan applications发音




killer applications───杀手级应用(指绝大部分用户会用到的应用)

moral implications───道德意蕴

planning applications───规划应用程序



loan collections───(为举行展览而借自收藏家的)借用展品(如名画、古董等)




She said supervisors had told employees to white out incomes on loan applications and substitute higher Numbers.───她说监事让职员们白了贷款申请中收入,换成更高的数字。

The researchers looked at 6,821 loan applications, 733 of which were successful.───研究人员调查了6821个贷款申请,其中733个是成功的。

The researchers looked at 6, 821 loan applications, 733 of which were successful.───研究人员看了6821例申请,733例申请成功。

She said supervisors had told employees to white out incomes on loan applications and substitute higher numbers.───她说监事让职员们白了贷款申请中收入,换成更高的数字。

These might be necessary for loan applications but equity investors tend to decide based on a few important points.───如果申请贷款的话,这些可能是必须的,但股本投资者通常根据几个重点来做出决定。

Loan applications must not be higher than that of repurchase agreements to determine the repurchase price .───贷款申请金额不得高于回购协议确定的回购价款。

Run weekly Credit Committee meetings, approving or rejecting loan applications in the best interests of the entire organization.───主持信用委员会周会,从公司全局利益批准或否决贷款申请。

Accredited, a subprime lender, said this week it would stop taking loan applications and let more than half its workforce go.───一家次级房贷公司Accredited本周说将停止接受新贷款申请,并削减了一半的雇员。

John was responsible for approving loan applications for major home improvements.───约翰负责审定大型房屋改建的贷款申请书。


She said supervisors had told employees to white out incomes on loan applications and substitute higher numbers.

Mortgage loan applications to the average growth of around 0.4 %.

While processing loan applications, those enterprises will have precedence over ordinary enterprises. Loan procedures will be well simplified to increase the support strength.

Loan applications must not be higher than that of repurchase agreements to determine the repurchase price.

For example, a bank loan approval process might require an experienced loan specialist to evaluate borderline loan applications.

In future they would no longer be allowed to finance public-sector deficits or loan applications from large debtors.

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