restricted users group───受限用户组
restricted users groups───受限用户组
Depending on your requirements, you might need to further define which users within the authenticated users group are granted access to a Web resource.───用户可能需要进一步定义在通过身份验证的用户组里对哪些用户授予访问Web资源的权限,这取决于用户的需求。
The ibm-application-bnd.xml file binds the security role to the appropriate users or groups, in this case the special All Authenticated users group.───ibm - application - bnd . xml文件将安全角色绑定到适当的用户或组,在本例中是特殊的All Authenticated users组。
A special group is specified that matches any authenticated users.───指定一个特殊的组,它可以匹配任何经过验证的用户。
After the initial installation of the operating system, the only member is the Authenticated Users group.───初次安装操作系统后,该组的唯一成员是AuthenticatedUsers组。
- authenticated swift
- authenticated users group
- authenticated arp
- authenticated users
- authenticated message