living in───住进
living on───vi.以...为食;靠...生活
driving ban───禁止驾驶
leading man───饰男主角的演员
living dead───活死人
living down───v.改正行为而使…被人遗忘
living trap───活兽陷阱
As such, he is the first living man god conceived of by the ancient Egyptians.───就这样,他成为古埃及人构想的第一个有生命的人神。
But a positive warmth within can withstand the fiery furnace, as the vital heat of a living man can withstand the heat that cooks meat.───积极的内在温暖能抵御烈焰。如同活人机体的热可以抵御煮肉的热能。
Look, I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am living man, not a dead man.───‘瞧,我选择要活下来。给我去手术,把我当成个活人而不是死人。’
Jean Valjean would not have appeared like a living man to any one who had examined him in that shadow.───冉阿让待在阴暗处,如果有人观察他,会感到他不是个活人。
In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any living man or woman as a hero.───在这个媒体无孔不入的时代,当今任何社会已经不再可能将任何在世的人标榜为英雄人物。
Here was an intelligence, a living man for him to look up to.───这儿就是个智慧的精灵,一个值得他崇拜的凡人。
Ponticelli was the oldest living man of Italian birth and the oldest man living in France.───彭逖塞利是意大利出生的最长寿的老人,同时也是居住在法国的最老的寿星。
"A living man and a dead one, " said Zarathustra.
The living man who does not learn is dark, dark like one walking in the night.
It is a superstitious idea that the ghost can cast a living man under a spell.
One must be a living man and a posthumous artist.
A government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man.
Because in looking to the self for real satisfaction and happiness in living, man is looking in entirely the wrong direction.
No living man all things can.
- living history
- living fit
- living man
- living bread
- living habits
- living on your own
- living my dream
- living out
- living in love
- living wall
- living dead
- living cloud
- living arrangement
- living off the grid
- living legend
- living through our senses
- living with
- living the life
- living roon
- living rise
- living conditions