

词汇 limiting beliefs
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limiting adjectives───限制性形容词

fruiting bodies───子实体

growing belief───成长的信念

limiting factors───限制因素

making believe───v.假装;假扮;n.假装;虚构

mining bees───采蜂

timing belts───同步皮带;同步齿型带


One of my unwritten goals for this year is to discover, uncover, and undo some of my own limiting beliefs, and unconscious habitual patterns that I unknowingly acquired as a child.───今年我有一个未书写下来的目标,那就是发现、发掘并消除自己一些小时候就形成的局限信念和无意识的惯性行为。

By believing that I'm dreaming while awake, is it possible that I somehow infected the next deeper level of dreaming with my limiting beliefs about this world?───我是在做梦而不是醒着,是不是可能下次带着对这个世界有限制的信仰,进入更深层次的梦境之中。

Despite our subconscious behavior patterns, we can free ourselves from these limiting beliefs and tendencies.───尽管有我们潜意识的行为模式,我们可以在这些限制的信仰和倾向自由。

Remove Limiting Beliefs and Fears: Ask yourself if it is really true that you are no good or have little abilities?───消除约束自己的信念和恐惧。问问你自己,你是否真的确信自己不够好或没有能力呢?

Share your thoughts on Limiting Beliefs or any other topic in the comment section.───请与我分享你对信念局限或其它话题的看法。

When it comes to ingrained limiting beliefs, patterns, or habits, these can be a bit harder to change.───但是如果这种限制性信念根深蒂固,成为一种模式,一种习惯,那改起来有点难。

I've developed a technique that helps you rip a hole in the fabric of your limiting beliefs so you can begin unraveling the limit.───我研究出一些技巧能帮助你在你的顽固的限制性信念结构上找到突破点。

It deals with your limiting beliefs which try to keep you from using your abilities.───它能处理掉试图阻扰你运用自己的能力的有限制的想法。

This is a critical area of your business, one that cannot be undermined by limiting beliefs.───这是你事业的关键领域,是不能被那些局限的观念所破坏的。


This is a critical area of your business, one that cannot be undermined by limiting beliefs.

One of the hardest expressions of self-assertiveness is challenging your limiting beliefs. Nathaniel Branden 

  • limiting beliefs
  • limiting friction
  • limiting the growth of technology
  • limiting adults




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