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词汇 lift up
释义 lift up
lift up发音

举起,提起; 鼓舞; 挑; 搴



lit up───点火,点灯;变快活(lightup的过去式)

lift pump───提升泵;抽水机

light up───照亮;点亮

shift up───上移;加档,升档

fit up───装配,装合;装备

hit up───请求

kit up───装备

let up───vt.停止;放松;减少

mist up───起雾


For then you will delight in the Almighty And lift up your face to God.───伯22:26你就要以全能者为喜乐、向神仰起脸来.

When you see an eagle , you see a portion of genius; lift up thy head!───当你眼前飞过一只鹰, 你看到的是一份天赐的秉赋, 你当仰视.

Let us lift up our hearts by singing the song.───让我们唱一唱这首歌,振作起来吧.

How then could I lift up my face to Joab your brother?───若那样,我怎能仰起脸见你哥哥约押 呢 ?

A tall participant helped his group to lift up to the maximum height.───一组参加者想出由一位身型高大的同学举起其他物品以达至最高.

You can take the stairs or lift up.───你可以拾级而上或是乘坐电梯.

There's no need to lift up your voice, I'm not deaf.───你不必这么高声, 我不聋.

I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.───我愿男人无忿怒, 无争论,(争论或作疑惑),举起圣洁的手,随处祷告.

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains ; From whence shall my help come?───诗121:1〔上行之诗.〕我要向山举目.我的帮助从何而来.

Simply lift up the center lid releasevacuum, remove the stopper and enjoy!───将酒塞顶部的小盖轻轻提起, 即可开瓶享受!

I heard about seeing a humpback whale fountaining but couldn't lift up my head.───耳边听到人们兴奋地叫到“是座头鲸,喷水了”,但我实在抬不起头来.

To open gate lift up the latch.───要打开大门先把门闩提起来.

Lift up thy face, and smile upon the people.───抬起您的脸,对人民微笑吧。

Lift up the chair and I want to clean the carpet underneath it.───你把椅子搬起来,我想清扫椅子下面的地毯.

Never lift up load beyond rated capacity of crane.───绝对不可提升超过吊臂所能承受的荷载的物件.

He would lift up twenty little men on to the table.───他常常把二十个小人提到桌上来.

They took the lift up to the third floor and walked along the quiet hallway.───他们乘电梯到了3楼,然后走过寂静的过道。

Lift up the copyboard cover of the scanner. Is the light on?───请打开扫描仪复制板盖. 灯亮了 吗 ?

Lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.───抬起你的右腿,用你的左手去摸你的右腿.

To open the gate, lift up the latch.───要打开大门, 先把门闩提起来.

House : Lift up your arms. You have a parasite.───抬起你的手臂, 你体内有个寄生虫.

Please lift up your leg ( hand ).───请抬起腿 ( 手 ).

If you lift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.───如果你举起一块大石,可能会发现底下有蜈蚣。

I lift up my hands unto Thy name.───要奉祢名来举我起手.

Can you lift up this heavy bag?───这只口袋很沉.你能举起来 吗 ?

Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.───1耶和华阿, 我的心仰望你.

Lift up your head.───抬起你的头来.

By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle.───通过帮助你, 我才能试着在我的生命中找到一点价值.

Enter carefully: Lift up the secretly true air disaster scene ~!───慎入: 揭秘真实的空难现场~!

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.───这国不举刀攻击那国, 他们也不再学习战事.

Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand , O God. Do not forget the helpless.───12耶和华啊,求你起来! 上帝啊,求你举手, 不要忘记困苦人!

Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon!───你们要竖立大旗,攻击巴比伦的城墙.

But you are a shield around me bestow glory on me and lift up my head.───但祢耶和华是我四围的盾牌,是我的荣耀,又是叫我抬起头来的.


To open the gate, lift up the latch.

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