

词汇 lean meats
释义 lean meats
lean meats发音



dead meats───致命肉食

crab meats───蟹肉;灌装冻蟹肉,冻蟹肉

dead heats───胜负不分的赛跑

dead meat───致命肉食

easy meats───易辨的事;容易吃亏上当的人

leaf fats───板油

red meats───未煮前颜色是红色的肉类(尤指牛、羊肉)(redmeat的名词复数)

clean sheets───不失球;清白的历史

leaf sheaths───[植]叶鞘


Lean meats, such as chicken, Turkey, roast beef, served with some cherry tomatoes.───瘦肉,例如鸡肉、火鸡肉、烤牛肉,沾些樱桃番茄酱一起吃。

whole wheat crackers, lean meats and low-fat milk along with you.───全麦饼干、瘦肉制品和低脂牛奶。

lean meats like roast beef or Turkey on hand for sandwiches or snacks.───对于三明治或者快餐,手里的食物是那些含少量脂肪的肉,像烤牛肉或者火鸡肉。

Take whole wheat crackers, lean meats and low-fat milk along with you.───随身携带一些全麦饼干、瘦肉制品和低脂牛奶。

Bottom line: Try to get iron from dietary sources, which also include lean meats, seafood, nuts, and green, leafy vegetables.───建议:除了动物内脏,瘦肉、海鲜、坚果和绿叶蔬菜也是铁的良好来源。

Patients may be advised to switch to a lower fat diet (less butter, margarine, oil; lean meats only) or a low-sodium diet.───患者可能被推荐食用低脂食品(较少的黄油、人造奶油、油,仅吃瘦肉)或者低钠食品。

A varied, healthy diet of lean meats, colorful vegetables and whole grains will usually cover the bases.───正常情况下,一个由瘦肉、各色蔬菜、全谷物组成的品种丰富的健康膳食结构可以满足各种营养素的需求。

Using more fruits and vegetables along with whole grains and lean meats, nuts, and beans is a safe and healthy one.───在吃谷物,瘦肉,坚果,和豆类的同时,多吃些水果和蔬菜无疑是一种健康的饮食方式。

In the lean meats contest, fish is hands-down the undisputed winner!───在比赛精益肉,鱼是双手向下无可争议的赢家!


Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.

When roasting lean meats and small game birds, basting is essential to maintain moisture.

To prevent fat drippings, choose lean meats such as sirloin, tenderloin, inside round and flank steak and trim visible fat before grilling. Avoid letting juices drip into the flames or coals.

Take whole wheat crackers, lean meats and low-fat milk along with you.

  • lean times
  • leans hub
  • lean toward
  • leaned forward
  • lean production
  • lean down
  • leaned upon
  • lean cuisine
  • leaner proteins
  • lean meats
  • leaned back




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