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词汇 lay off
释义 lay off
lay off发音

v.暂时解雇,裁员; 停止工作[活动]; 停止做某种不快的事; 暂时解雇



lay offs───解雇;休息;停止工作

lays off───解雇(layoff的第三人称单数)

play off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

day off───休息日,放假日



pay off───付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复

play offs───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

plays off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装


The doctor advised me to lay off cigarettes.───医生建议我戒烟.

They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers.───一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。

Lay off, can't you? Can you see he's had enough?───到此为止吧, 行不行? 你没见他已经够了?

I wish you would lay off!───但愿你别再说别人不好了.

Lay off making unkind jokes on me, can't you? I've had enough.───别再对我开那些不友好的玩笑了, 行不行? 我受够了.

Then we had to lay off thousands of people.───其次,我们不得不解雇了数以千计的人.

Lay off that girl!───别缠着那个女孩子了.

Just lay off me, will you?───请不要老缠着我, 好 吗 ?

The company is to lay off 1,520 workers as part of a restructuring.───作为改组的一部分,这家公司将解雇1520名工人。

Why don't you lay off the crazy women for a while, huh?───为什么你不停下来一下不要在想她了呢, 嗯?

The doctor told me to lay off for a week.───医生要我休息一周.

The doctor advised him to lay off alcohol and smoking.───医生劝他戒酒戒烟.

Why don't you lay off today?───你今天为什么不休息?

Martha was in the hot seat because she had to lay off half of her employees.───马莎的处境尴尬,因为她必须解雇半数的员工.

He wanted to know more about the lay off the land before investing.───在投资之前对所面对的局势他想多知道一点.

Lay off me will you—it's nothing to do with me.───别找我好不好—这事与我无关。

The international company decided to lay off its redundant staff in all its departments.───那家跨国集团决定精减所有部门的闲员.

It is unknown whether the company will lay off one third of the employees.───该公司是否要裁掉三分之一的员工还是未知的.

And because they've stopped spending money, more businesses have been forced to lay off more workers.───而因为他们停止了消费, 又有更多的企业被迫解雇更多的员工.

He went on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off.───他不停地打她,直至其他乘客过来叫他住手。

Has Miss Alison decided whether to retrain or lay off?───艾莉森女士对重新培训或者解雇这些雇员作出决定了 吗 ?

Nobady will lay off with the permission of labor union.───未经工会一致同意,谁也不会下岗.

I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while.───我认为你最好暂时别吃高脂食物。

Then a voice bawled: "Lay off! I'll kill you, you little rascal!"───然后一个声音大叫道:“赶紧停下!我会杀了你的,你这个小流氓!”

Before long Shanghai lay off is big land serves as communal concession and law concession.───不久上海又划出大片土地作为公共租界和法租界.

I heard there're going to lay off some people this quarter.───我听说这个季度要裁一些人.

The doctor told him to lay off for a couple of days.───医生叫他休息两三天.

He told me to lay off you, as you'd saved his life.'she announced baldly.───“他让我别再缠着你, 因为你救过他的命. ” 她大声宣告道.

The company is preparing to lay off a large number of people.───公司准备大量裁员.

The company will lay off 1,500 workers in coming months at three assembly plants.───通用汽车未来数月将在三家组装厂裁员1,500人.

The doctor told her to lay off work for a couple of days.───医生叫她休息几天.

  • lays out
  • lay see
  • lay of
  • lay up
  • layering cover cushion
  • lay flat
  • layering up
  • lay lady lay
  • lay on your back
  • lay egg
  • lay low
  • layin low
  • laying the fundamentals
  • lay lay
  • lay u down
  • layers of the earth
  • lay me dome
  • laymen gaming
  • lay back
  • lay an egg
  • layy days




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