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auction off───v.拍卖掉;竞卖

auctions off───v.拍卖掉;竞卖

sectioned off───分段

auctioning off───v.拍卖掉;竞卖


coned off───v.用锥形信号标明

pensioned off───发养老金使退休

section off───切断

sections off───分段关闭


house, furniture and everything I'd owned was auctioned off to pay debts I didn't even know existed.───房子、家具、我拥有的一切全给拍卖掉,用来偿还那些我从未知晓存在过的债款。

It was sold to a private owner and all the furnishings auctioned off.───它被买给了私人买家,里面所有的家具装饰都被拍卖一空。

The moon rocks, after being studied, could have been auctioned off.───那些月球上的岩石,在进行了科学研究之后,也可以拍卖掉。

In North Dakota, a rancher donated five cows that were to be auctioned off at the stockyard in nearby Aberdeen.───在北达科他州(NorthDakota),一个牧场主捐出五只母牛,将在附近阿伯丁(Aberdeen)的牲畜饲养场拍卖。

And a slice of the 1871 wedding cake of her daughter, Princess Louise, was recently auctioned off at an antiques fair for $215.───还有,1871年,她的女儿路易斯公主结婚,当时的一块婚礼蛋糕,最近在一场古董拍卖会上,卖出了215美元。

It was sad to see all grandfather's lovely things being auctioned off.───看到祖父所有的心爱之物在拍卖令人非常伤心。

Shrek's giant fleece - possibly the largest ever - is to be auctioned off for children's medical charities.───史瑞克身上厚重的羊毛很可能是有史以来最大的,它将被拍卖,用来资助儿童医疗慈善事业。

Works by the 29 other finalists are auctioned off at a dinner, with proceeds split equally between the artist and the Foundation.───其他29位决选艺术家的作品则会被拿到一场宴会上去拍卖,所得收益由艺术家和基金会平分。

It was sold to a private owner and all the furnishings auctioned off.───最终,它被买给了私人买家,里面所有的家具装饰都被拍卖一空。


It was sad to see all grandfather's lovely things being auctioned off.

So it's fitting that his collection of fishing tackle is being auctioned off in the town tomorrow.

For untaxed tobacco and alcohol products auctioned off by the court or other agencies: the purchaser.

Her dresses will be auctioned off for charity.

He auctioned off his furniture.

They auctioned off their furniture and clothes.

The house and all its contents will be auctioned off next week.

It was sad to see all grandmother's lovely things being auctioned off.

Last year, the two major state-owned dailies were auctioned off to private owners.





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