

词汇 lay by
释义 lay by
lay by发音


储蓄,存留(备将来之用); 避车道; 支线; 搁下


lays by───v.把…搁置在一旁;积蓄,储存


lay byes───告别

day boy───走读生

laid by───v.把…搁置在一旁;积蓄,储存

lay day───许可装卸期限;停泊期,定停止期


lay in───贮存

lay on───涂抹(颜料等);猛攻;加…于人


They lay by during the heat of the day.───他们在白天最热的时候停下来休息.

Our road lay by the shore beneath the cliffs, then round the headland which they formed.───我们行经断岩下沙岸边的路, 再转绕过山岩形成的山头.

A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.───一堆脏衣服放在洗衣机旁边.

You could secure it on lay-by.───你可以预付订金方式购买此货。

Unless leaching occurs, nitrogen should not be applied after lay - by.───除非发生淋洗, 氮肥不应在烟草田间作业结束后再施用.

Lay by the sea, you are wild, you are free.───在大海的身边.伱是狂野的.伱是自由的.

We lay by during the heat of the day.───我们在白天最热的时候停下来休息.

His spear lay by his side unused, and his baskets of plaited osier were empty.───他的鱼叉默默地摆在他的身边,没有用武之地,他的柳条鱼篓亦是空的。

The ship was forced to lay by in the storm wind.───船在暴风中被迫顶风停驶.

A doe had been hit by a car and lay by the side of the road.───一只母鹿已经被一辆汽车撞击并且在道路的旁边铺.

His goloshes, which always lay by the umbrella-stand, were also gone.───他那双一向放在伞架旁边的胶套鞋也不见了。

Let's pull into the lay - by and the have a rest.───让我们把汽车开进路旁 停车处 去休息一下吧.

the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.───日的第一日,各人要照自己的进项抽出来留着。免得我来的时候现凑。

By these and other means he had managed to lay by a tolerable sum of money.───通过这种那种方法,他设法攒下了一笔还过得去的积蓄.

I left my car in a lay-by and set off on foot.───我把车留在路侧停车带,徒步而行。

I have to lay by a little money for emergencies.───我得存一点钱应急.

The old man picked up a stout stick that lay by his feet.───老头捡起脚边的一根粗棍子。

Lay by the sea, bury all of your fear , Lady lay.───让大海将?盟?械目志迓裨?女士.


A mangled bicycle lay by the railroad tracks.

Then they felled me, so that I lay by Elsbeth and was as helpless as she.

A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.

Every family has spare money to lay by and surplus grain in store.

His spear lay by his side unused, and his baskets of plaited osier were empty.

Lay by the bad habits and turn over a new leaf.

Did Simpson tell them why his hairs were entwined in the knit cap that lay by the bodies?

Our road lay by the shore beneath the cliffs, then round the headland which they formed.

The ship was forced to lay by in the storm wind.

  • lays out
  • lay see
  • lay of
  • lay up
  • layering cover cushion
  • lay flat
  • layering up
  • lay lady lay
  • lay on your back
  • lay egg
  • lay low
  • layin low
  • laying the fundamentals
  • lay lay
  • lay u down
  • layers of the earth
  • lay me dome
  • laymen gaming
  • lay back
  • lay an egg
  • layy days




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