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词汇 late sixties
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the sixties───六十年代

in the sixties───在六十年代




polite societies───上流社会;文雅社会

one's sixties───六十岁


In the late Sixties, American scientists had discovered that focusing bitter, vindictive and negative thoughts on mould inhibited its growth.───在60年代末,美国科学家发现,将痛苦、怨恨和消极的想法集中在霉菌上,可以抑制它的生长。

The Shuttle was developed in the late sixties. It's operational life can take it through 2025.───这艘太空梭是六零年代晚期制造的,使用寿命可以维持到西元2025年。

In other words, the author, the traditional idea of the author -so much under suspicion in the work of Foucault and Barthes in the late sixties — can be turned on its ear.───换言之,有一种传统的看法就是对作者置之不理,六十年代晚期在福柯和巴特的,作品中有那么多疑点。

When Lars first arrived in the late sixties, nothing but two tattered crosses marked the graves, overgrown with vines.───当时第一次在六十年代来这里,这里什么也没有,只是一对破烂的十字架,标记着那些墓穴,边上长满了爬滕。

I also had one set of grandparents who both died in their late sixties from heart attacks, which naturally was a cause for concern.───我的祖父祖母在将近七十岁时双双死于心脏病,这自然会引起精子库的关注。

However, he was denounced as a reactionary academic during the Cultural Revolution in the late Sixties, and exiled to the countryside.───不过,在六十年代末的文化大革命中,他仍然被指控为反革命学究,遣送下乡。

By the late sixties, the availability of easy air travel and extensive local news coverage were rapidly changing the rules for survival.───60年代后期,便利的空中旅行和覆盖面广泛的地方新闻报道迅速地改变着议员们政治生涯的生存规则。

Susan is in her late sixties, but she is aging well.───苏珊快70岁了,但她保养的很好。

Miniskirts were in fashion in the late sixties.───迷你裙在六十年代后期很流行。


By the late sixties a Republican president would proclaim himself a Keynesian.

The club closed in the late Sixties and was later demolished to make way for the shopping centre Eldon Gardens.

Miniskirts were in fashion in the late sixties.

By the late Sixties, an was an exotic banger.

Helen, a woman in her late sixties, has a case of insomnia and pays her doctor a visit.

He came on board in the late Sixties and spent two decades with the agency.

In her late sixties she traveled over Europe with a crony of equal years.

I'd say she was in her late sixties.

Paclitaxel's anti-cancer properties were discovered in the late Sixties, as part of a programme sponsored by the National Cancer Institute.

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