dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于
date from───追溯到;始于;起源于
dates from───追溯到;始于;起源于
lusted for───贪求
dragged from───从拖动
as from───从…时起;从…开始
aside from───除…以外
came from───来自;出生于
lasted name───姓
Egypt's Roman era lasted from 30 BC to 337 AD.───埃及的罗马时代从西元前30年一直持续至西元337年。
Ming Dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644 rivaling and in many ways surpassing other civilizations of the world during that time.───明朝的南京地位崇高,完全可以与当时世界的其他杰出文明胜地相媲美,甚至是超越。
Spanish flu pandemic (the same virus as Swine flu) lasted from March 1918 to June 1920, spreading even to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands.───西班牙全国流感(和猪流感是同一种病毒)从1918年3月一直持续到1920年6月,甚至传播到北极圈和太平洋偏远的小岛上。
The rain lasted from the beginning to end, but fans' enthusiasm for the match were not dampened.───新闻中说雨一直在下,但是球迷们的热情并没有减少。
The period following Roman rule, generally known as the Dark Ages or Early Middle Ages, lasted from about 400 to 1000.───罗马人统治结束后,欧洲开始了众所周知的“黑暗时期”,即中世纪早期,从公元400年直到1000年。
The first Thanksgiving dinner is said to have lasted from three days to one week with much food, beer and liquor.───第一次的感恩餐听说持续了三天至一周,有很多的食物,啤酒和饮料。
That window lasted from the time the trigger resolved until the time you passed priority.───这个窗口的持续时间,是从触发异能结算开始到你让过优先权为止。
King is rightly regarded as the singular hero of the era that lasted from the Montgomery bus boycott, in 1955, to his death, in April, 1968.───金正式地被认作是从1955年蒙哥马利罢车运动到他1968年四月他去世的这个时代里唯一的英雄。
These suggest that the strike-slip movement lasted from the earliest to the latest Early Cretaceous.───这反映断裂带的走滑运动从早白垩世初期持续到早白垩世后期。
The talks lasted from 13 - 27 January 1947, with ten formal meetings and a lavish exchange of memoranda.
The worst bear market lasted from September 1929 through July 1932, when stocks plunged about 90 percent.
The session, which lasted from April 8 to 24, was heated and often violent.
The Spanish Civil War lasted from 1936 to 1939.
His long career for Somerset lasted from 1891 to 1910.
The meeting lasted from two o'clock till six o' clock.
The demonstration lasted from dawn till dusk.
The meeting lasted from two o'clock to six.
In the middle ages, celebrations lasted from Christmas to Epiphany.
- lasted forever
- lasted from