labor forces───劳动力
labour force───n.劳动力
labour forces───n.劳动力
air force───空军
land force───陆军;地面部队
labor market───劳动市场;劳工市场
The farm labor force is running down steadily.───农场里的劳动力在不断减少.
About half the labor force in the countryside is made up by women.───农村妇女劳动力约占农村劳动力总数的一半.
Through many kinds of channel to Shift agriculture surplus labor force progressively.───多渠道、渐进式转移农村富余劳动力.
Brain drains may represent a substantial reduction in some labor force skills and specialties.───智力外流可能表示某种劳动力技能和特长大量减少.
Labor force: Coke home of the population 21,246 people.───劳动力资源: 焦家庄乡总人口21246人.
Nearly half of all households are landless or near landless, with agricultural laborers constituting 48 percent of the labor force, almost double the national level of 27 percent.───近半数农户处于失地或即将失地状态,农业劳动力占全邦劳动力总数的比重为48%,几乎是全国水平27%的两倍。
It makes sense to enhance training surplus labor force.───加强对农村剩余劳动力的培训意义重大.
A total transfer of rural surplus labor force training and more than 1500.───共培训转移农村富余劳动力1500余人.
We also have a very large, Constantly improve the quality of the labor force.───我们还拥有非常广大的 、 素质不断提高的劳动力资源.
It a creation of the labor force with both hands during the!───那是个用双手创造劳动力的年代!
The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization.───劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质.
He installs the machines and drops half his labor force.───于是,他购置了这种机器,并且裁掉了一半的员工.
Improve the quality of labor force in financial administrative enforcement of law.───第五,提高金融行政执法人员素质.
Caused by number of idle rural labor force, further exacerbating the urban - rural dual economic antagonism.───造成农村劳动力大量闲置, 进一步加剧了城乡二元经济对立.
The value of labor force also includes the dynamics of means of enjoyment.───显然,劳动力价值中还包含着享受资料的动态性.
It also challenges the labor force supply and the pension system.───这也对劳动力供给和养老金制度提出了挑战。
The developed countries through the industry's rapid development, so that per capita GDP increased sharply, while the agricultural labor force to the total labor force rose from 50% -60% to 10% level.───上述发达国家通过工业的快速发展,使人均GDP大幅上升的同时,使农业劳动力占社会总劳动力的比重由50%-60%下降到10%左右的水平。
Note: a Figures on Employed Persons before 1998 were rural labor force.───注: 1.从业人员指标1998年以前为乡村劳动力.
- labor relations
- labor force
- labor vacancy
- laboring people
- labor cost
- laboratory film
- laborious define
- labor contract
- labored with
- laborious day
- labor party
- laborious ordeal