

词汇 knocked off
释义 knocked off
knocked off发音



blocked off───阻挡;封堵

clocked off───打卡以记录下班时间

kicked off───[足球]中线开球;[口](使)开始;[美,口]死;踢开

knock off───击倒;停工;中断

knocked on───被打出的

knocked out───喝醉;神志不清;被麻醉

knocks off───击倒;停工;中断

knock it off───停止做;住口,别再讲下去了

knocked down───撞到;拆装的;拍板成交;降低价格


He knocked off a Nobel prize.───他获得了一项诺贝尔奖。

They knocked off $60 because of a scratch.───因为有擦痕他们将价格降了60元。

He had a few rough edges knocked off at school.───他在学校改掉了一些坏毛病。

Xiao zhang was knocked off his bicycle ba a taxi on his way home from school.───小张从学校回家的路上被一辆出租汽车从自行车上撞了下来。

Is begging his father to leave his motorbike in his garage after he was knocked off his chopper and nearly killed in a recent accident.───在最近一次事故中从摩托车跌下几乎丧命之后,他恳求父亲将他的摩托车留在车库里。

Campbell's brain was knocked off loose from his skull and was pronounced dead the next day.───坎贝尔的脑子被他从脑壳里打了出来。次日,坎贝尔被宣布死亡。

Their son, Andy, was recently knocked off his mother's health insurance and only painfully reinstated for a large fee.───他们的儿子安迪最近也被迫从母亲的健康保险中分离出来,要想恢复的话,只能忍痛再付一大笔钱。

I knocked off a little piece of what I thought was just sandstone, and I looked at it, and it had a weird pattern to it. . .───我敲下一小片我认为只是砂岩的东西,然后看了看,那上面有奇怪的纹理…

He sat down and knocked off an article for the local paper in an hour.───他坐下来在一小时内很快就给当地报纸写了一篇文章。


Who knocked off my purse ?

They knocked off $60 because of a scratch.

He knocked off a Nobel prize.

Those boys have knocked off the whole cake!

He was knocked off by the gangsters.

He was knocked off by the police.

Our team knocked off another two points.

They knocked off a bank.

The company was knocked off yesterday.

  • knocked out
  • knocked at
  • knocked off




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