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词汇 yourself
释义 yourselfUK:*strong: /jɔːrˈsɛlf/ /jʊərˈsɛlf/, weak: /jəˈsɛlf/US:/jʊrˈsɛlf, jɔr-, jɚ-/US:(yŏŏr self′, yôr-, yōr-, yər-)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 yourself pron (reflexive pronoun: you singular)[you的反身代词]Stop looking at yourself in the mirror all the time.Make sure you take care of yourself.别老盯着镜子里的自己了。请一定要照顾好自己。 yourself pron (you singular: for emphasis) (强调)你自己, 你自个儿, 您自己You, yourself, said that it was too difficult to do.There's nobody here but yourself.是你自己说的那太难了。 yourself pron (you: after as, than, but)[用于as, than, but等后There's nobody here but yourself.除了你以外,这里没人了。 yourself pron (you singular: in person)你自己I can post the item to you if you cannot come and pick it up yourself.如果你自己不能亲自来取,我可以把东西寄给你。 yourself pron (on your own, without assistance)你自己;你一个人Please do your homework yourself.请你自己独立完成作业。 yourself pron figurative (your normal self) (指健康、态度等)你的正常状态You don't seem yourself today. What's up?看起来你今天不在状态啊。怎么了? yourself pron (reflexive pronoun: oneself) (反身代词)自己;你自己;你们自己It's important to take care of yourself during the exam period.在考试期间也不能忘了照顾好自己。 yourself pron (on one's own, without assistance)凭自己;靠自己There's no reason to buy ready-made vegetable soup when it's easy to make it yourself.蔬菜汤做起来很简单,不需要买商店里的成品。 动词短语 carve [sth] out for yourself, carve out [sth] for yourself vtr phrasal sep figurative (career, etc.: build up)开拓;开创She's succeeded in carving out a nice career for herself in marketing.她成功地在市场营销方面为自己开创了一番不错的事业。;toss off vi phrasal UK, vulgar, slang (masturbate)手淫Some men toss off using internet porn. 复合形式: abandon yourself to [sth] v expr (surrender to [sth]: desires, etc.)屈从于;沉溺于 absent yourself vtr + refl (leave)自己退出;自己离开I started feeling unwell at the party, so I absented myself.我在聚会上开始觉得不舒服,于是自己离开了。 absent yourself from [sth] v expr formal (leave)离开,离席If you feel unwell, simply absent yourself from the table.如果你感觉不适,从餐桌离席就好。 absent, absent yourself from [sth] v expr formal (not attend)缺席;不能到场Mr Smith sends his apologies for having to absent himself from today's meeting.史密斯先生为缺席今日的会议而表示歉意。 account yourself [sth] vtr + refl formal (consider yourself) (正式用语)认为自己是;把自己看作He accounts himself poor. acquaint yourself with [sth] v expr (become familiar with)逐渐熟悉;变得熟悉Read the book, and acquaint yourself with Shakespeare's work. adapt yourself to [sth] v expr (get used to)逐渐习惯;逐渐适应 adapt yourself to doing [sth] v expr (get used to doing [sth])使自己适应...;使自己习惯... adapt yourself to [sth] v expr (change to accommodate)改变自己以适应 adapt yourself to doing [sth] v expr (change to accommodate)改变以适应...You need to adapt yourself to living with other people. affiance yourself vtr + refl archaic (become engaged to marry)订婚;许配 affiance yourself to [sb] v expr archaic (become engaged to marry)许配给某人;与某人订婚 align yourself with [sb/sth] v expr figurative (agree with)公开支持;公开赞同By agreeing with the decision to move forward with the plans, I unknowingly aligned myself with Anthony.我同意了推进计划的决定,这使我在无意中公开支持了安东尼。 all to yourself adv (for [sb]'s sole use)独享;独占Cheri had the train compartment all to herself. allow yourself [sth] vtr + refl (indulgence)放纵Even while dieting, I allow myself the occasional dessert. allow yourself [sth] vtr + refl (enough time) (充足时间)给自己Please allow yourself 15 minutes to complete the second part of the test. amuse yourself vtr + refl (find [sth] entertaining to do)自娱自乐,消遣 apply yourself vtr + refl (make an effort, work hard)致力于If you apply yourself, you will succeed.如果你专注于自身,你将会成功。 apply yourself to [sth] vtr + refl (make an effort, work hard)全力以赴;专心致志I am really going to apply myself to my studies. be ashamed of yourself, feel ashamed of yourself v expr (feel shame)为自己感到羞耻的;为自己觉得羞愧的You should be ashamed of yourself for failing that test!你那门考试不及格,应该为自己感到羞耻! assert yourself vtr + refl (be insistent or firm)坚持己见;坚持自己的权利It's important to assert yourself when you feel you are being treated unfairly. assure yourself [sth] v expr (secure for yourself)使自己确信;确实弄清楚;确保 attach yourself to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (individual, group: follow around)依恋,依赖;缠着...不放Dave attached himself to our group in the first week of college, but none of us really like him.大学第一周,大卫一直缠着我们的小组,但我们中没有人喜欢他。 attach yourself to [sth] v expr (be associated with)参加,参与;加入;成为...的一份子Will attached himself to the new business venture.威尔自己也参加了这场全新的商业冒险。 avail yourself of [sth] v expr (make use of)利用Buster failed because he did not avail himself of the help offered to him. be a law unto yourself, be a law onto yourself v expr (disregard conventions)我行我素;自行其是 be true to yourself v expr (live by own values)对自己坦诚;忠于自己To be true to oneself you must act in accordance with who you are and what you believe. be yourself vi (behave naturally)自在点;别拘束I know you're nervous about the interview, but just be yourself and you'll do fine. bear yourself vtr (conduct: yourself)表现;行为;持身He bore himself with courage and distinction.他这人表现得既勇敢又优秀。 beat yourself up v expr figurative, informal (feel guilty or bad)自责;自怨自艾It was just an honest mistake, so you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.这只是一个无心之过,所以你不用太过自责。 beat up on yourself v expr US, informal (feel guilty or bad)自责;责怪自己 behave yourself vi + refl (act nicely)行为规矩些;表现良好点备注: Often used in the imperative.Please behave yourselves when we visit grandma. beside yourself expr figurative (devastated)悲伤欲狂的Debbie was beside herself when she received the news of her son's death.收到儿子的死讯时,黛比悲痛欲绝。 beside yourself with [sth] prep figurative (out of your senses)情绪失控的;精神失常的My mother was beside herself with worry when I didn't call. bestir yourself vtr + refl literary (rouse yourself)振作起来;奋起You'd best bestir yourself, my lady; it's almost noon. betray yourself vtr + refl (go against your own values)背叛自己I would be betraying myself if I voted for that party. better yourself v expr (become more educated)提升自己的文化水平;提高自己Paul reads scientific journals in an attempt to better himself. better yourself v expr (achieve higher standing)提升自己;提高社会地位My father worked in a factory but I wanted to better myself and was determined to get an office job. brace yourself vtr + refl figurative (prepare for shock)准备迎接,使防备The doctor warned the patient's family to brace themselves.医生提醒病人家属做好准备。 brace yourself for [sth] v expr figurative (prepare for shock)准备迎接(令人震撼之事)Everyone is bracing themselves for the foot of snow forecast for tonight.所有人都在准备迎接今晚天气预报的大雪。 Brace yourself interj figurative (prepare for shock)做好思想准备Brace yourself, I've got some bad news.做好思想准备,我有一些坏消息要告诉你。 brace yourself vtr + refl (prepare for impact) (飞机失事)抱紧自己The flight attendant instructed the passengers to brace themselves.空乘人员指示乘客们抱紧自己。 brace yourself for [sth] v expr (prepare for impact)做好准备,振作精神Seeing that there was no way to escape, Joel braced himself for the blow of the other man's fist.约珥发现自己无处可逃,便振作精神,做好准备迎击另一人的拳头。 Brace yourself interj (prepare for impact)做好准备Brace yourself. We're about to land.打起精神做好准备,我们要着陆了。 bring yourself to do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])强迫自己做某事备注: Usually used in the negativeI can't bring myself to see a film that's that violent. burden yourself with [sth] v expr (responsibility)为…所累;使自己承受太多负担Don't burden yourself with the practical side of moving house: leave it to the removal men.不要让自己承担太多实际搬家的工作:把它留给搬运人员。 burden yourself with [sth] v expr (concerns)使自己受困扰;为…所烦扰Don't burden yourself with my insignificant problems.不用为了无关紧要的问题而烦恼。 burn yourself out v expr (person: suffer overexhaustion)累到精疲力尽;累垮 bury yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (engross yourself in [sth])使...沉浸于;埋头于;置身于On rainy days, the best thing to do is bury yourself in a good book.下雨天,最美好的事情就是把自己埋在一本好书里。 bury yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (become immersed in [sth])专注于;全神贯注于 busy yourself vtr (keep occupied)使…忙于;使…忙碌Arthur tries to busy himself with small tasks. by yourself, all by yourself adv (without company)你独自地 by yourself, all by yourself adv (without help)靠你自己地 Calm yourself! interj (don't panic)冷静一点;让自己冷静一下;请镇静Madam, please calm yourself! The doctor is on her way to treat your son.女士,请保持冷静!医生正赶着来治疗您的儿子。 camouflage yourself vtr + refl (conceal self using color, etc.)伪装自己Many insects camouflage themselves to avoid being eaten. can't help yourself v expr informal (be compelled to do [sth])情不自禁She can't help herself - she has to criticize everything I do. carry yourself vtr + refl (posture: hold yourself)使(自己)保持某种姿态(神态)The ballerina carries herself well.那位芭蕾舞演员姿态优美。 carry yourself vtr + refl (posture)举手投足;举止He was poor, but carried himself with dignity. carve out a niche for yourself v expr figurative (find your role, trade)找到自己的位置;开拓自己的空间 carve out a niche for yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (find your role, trade)在…领域找到自己的位置;在…领域开拓自己的空间 center yourself (US), centre yourself (UK) vtr + refl (make yourself calm, focused)使自己集中精神以放松;使自己平静Meditating every morning helps me to center myself. cloak yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (be concealed)用…遮盖自己;用…掩盖自己Cloak yourself in darkness and sneak in the back way. cloak yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (have an air of)伪装成…的样子Sarah liked to cloak herself in an air of mystery, but that just covered up the fact that she was usually clueless. cloister yourself vtr + refl (shut yourself away)与世隔绝;隐世The writer cloistered himself in his mountain cabin until he finished writing his novel. collect yourself vtr + refl figurative (emotions: calm)定定神;镇定一下Let me collect myself before I go out on stage. I'm still a bit emotional.上台前让我先镇定一下。我情绪还有点激动。 commit yourself to [sth] v expr (fully engage in)致力于Paine committed himself to the cause of American independence.佩恩全身心投入美国独立运动。 commit yourself to doing [sth] v expr (fully engage in doing)全身心投入;将所有精力集中在You need to schedule times when you will commit yourself to studying.你需要安排好全神贯注学习的时间。 comport yourself vtr + refl (behave, conduct yourself)举止得体;行为守规矩Officers have a duty to comport themselves in a manner which sets a good example to their men.军官们需要身先士卒,举止得体,才能为自己手下的人树立一个好的榜样。 compose yourself vtr + refl (make yourself calm)使自己镇定下来 conceal yourself vi (hide)藏;隐藏;隐蔽The burglar concealed himself in the bushes while staking out the house. concern yourself with [sth] v expr (worry about)对…感到忧虑;担心I'll buy it for you, so don't concern yourself with the cost. concern yourself with [sth] v expr (be preoccupied with)关心;关切It's best not to concern yourself with things you cannot change. conduct yourself vtr + refl (behave)举止;表现Please conduct yourself with politeness. conduct yourself vi (behave, act)举止得体;行为规矩Please conduct yourself like a gentleman when you're with my daughter. congratulate yourself vtr + refl (be proud of yourself)为自己感到自豪;恭喜你自己Even though you lost the race, you should congratulate yourself for finishing at all. content yourself with [sth] v expr (be satisfied with [sth])满足于I'm too old to party on a Friday night; these days I content myself with a cup of tea and a few episodes of my favourite TV show. content yourself with doing [sth] v expr (be satisfied with doing [sth])满足于Jane had to content herself with redecorating her kitchen as she couldn't afford to have a new one fitted.简只能选择重新布置厨房,因为她无法负担新装厨房的费用。 contort yourself vtr + refl (twist into unnatural position)扭曲身形You're going to have to contort yourself to get into such a tiny dress! control yourself vtr + refl (remain calm and composed)自我克制;保持冷静;克制自己Even if she tries to pick a fight, you must control yourself and avoid responding.即便她试图挑起争端,你也必须克制自己,不要回应。 control yourself vtr + refl (resist temptation) (抗拒诱惑等)控制自己 cross yourself vtr + refl (make sign of the cross)画十字号 cure yourself of [sth] v expr (get over, rid yourself of)自己摆脱;自行恢复;纠正自己The teacher told the insolent student that he needed to cure himself of his attitude. debase yourself vtr + refl (do [sth] humiliating)贬低自己;看轻自己 deceive yourself v expr (be deluded)你在自欺欺人;别骗自己You're deceiving yourself if you think Lily is going to lend you so much money. declare yourself to be [sth] v expr (announce)宣布自己是…I hereby declare myself to be a candidate in the forthcoming elections.我在此宣布自己将以候选人的身份参与即将举办的选举。 declare yourself to be [sb] v expr (claim identity)声称自己是…He declared himself to be the long-lost son of the deceased, returned to claim his inheritance.他声称自己是死者失散已久的儿子,回来继承遗产。 declare yourself vtr + refl (state that you are for, against [sth])公开表态The politician declared herself in favour of curbs on immigration. declare yourself to be [sth] v expr (state yourself to be for, against [sth])公开表明赞成;公开表明反对The minister declared himself to be against the introduction of the euro to Britain. dedicate yourself to [sth] v expr (devote energy to [sth])献身于;将自己奉献给If you want to be a star athlete, you have to dedicate yourself to the sport. defend yourself vtr + refl (avoid harm, injury to self)保护自己 delude yourself vtr + refl (be mistaken)使...受骗;使...上当If you think that politician is honest, you're deluding yourself! delude yourself into doing [sth] v expr (think, believe, etc. mistakenly)自欺欺人地去做...,自己欺骗自己去做...Don't delude yourself into thinking that your life would be better in another city. deport yourself vtr + refl dated, formal (behave, conduct yourself)规矩一点;乖一点 deprive yourself vtr + refl (abstain from, go without [sth])放弃;戒除 deprive yourself of [sth] v expr (deny yourself [sth])否认 detach yourself vtr + refl (no longer be involved)将自己脱离开来;让自己抽离Your parents need to sort out their own problems; you should try to detach yourself. detach yourself from [sth] v expr (no longer be involved)让自己从…抽离 devote yourself to [sth/sb] v expr (dedicate yourself)将自己奉献给...My mother devoted herself to her children.我母亲把自己奉献给了孩子们。 devote yourself to doing [sth] v expr (put all your energy into)献身于;全心致力于After his wife's death from cancer, he devoted himself to fundraising for cancer charities.妻子死于癌症之后,他全心致力于为癌症慈善机构筹集善款。;differentiate yourself from [sth/sb] vtr (prove yourself unlike)使自己有别于How would you differentiate yourself from the six other people who have applied for this job? dig deep within yourself v expr figurative (summon inner resources)深入自身;深入自己内心Dig deep within yourself and you'll find you can overcome any fear.discipline yourself vtr + refl (exercise self-control)自律When you move out of the house you will have to discipline yourself; no one will be there to watch over you.discipline yourself, discipline yourself to do [sth] vtr + refl (train yourself to do [sth])训练自己做In order to do well in the marathon race, Frank had learned to discipline himself to hold a sustainable pace.discredit yourself vtr + refl (lose trust of others)败坏自己的名声Politicians often discredit themselves by accepting bribes.disengage yourself from [sth] v expr (physically free yourself from)使自己从...中摆脱Leah tried to disengage herself from the tangle of branches.disengage yourself from [sth] v expr (end involvement in)不再参与;摆脱;脱离Linda had to disengage herself from the project due to a family emergency.disentangle yourself from [sth/sb] vtr + refl figurative (end involvement in [sth])摆脱纠纷;摆脱麻烦Alan was unable to disentangle himself from his family's problems.disgrace yourself v expr (do [sth] dishonourable)丢人;自失身份Just try not to disgrace yourself again.He disgraced himself by getting too drunk at his sister's wedding.disport yourself vtr + refl literary (amuse, entertain yourself)以…自娱,使…自娱;自我消遣dissociate yourself from [sb], disassociate yourself from [sb] v expr (distance yourself from [sb])与某人脱离关系Diane eventually dissociated herself from her troublemaker friends.dissociate yourself from [sth], disassociate yourself from [sb] v expr (distance yourself from [sth])摆脱某事;从某事中脱身The nominee tried to dissociate himself from the racist remarks of his former friends.distance yourself from [sth/sb] v expr (keep away from)疏远;与…保持距离Preferring solitude, I distanced myself from the group.distance yourself from [sth/sb] v expr figurative (not associate with)疏远;让自己与...保持距离The candidate was advised to distance himself from his former wife.distinguish yourself vtr + refl (become prominent)脱颖而出This director has distinguished himself in the film industry.这位导演在电影界中脱颖而出。do [sth] for yourself v expr (do for your own sake) (不是为了别人)为自己做某事If you're going to study medicine, make sure you're doing it for yourself, not because your parents expect it of [sth] for yourself v expr (have a treat)为自己找点乐子You are always looking out for others, so take a week off to do something for well for yourself v expr informal (be successful) (非正式用语)做得好;成功;混得好You've obviously done well for yourself.你显然混得很好啊。do yourself a disservice v expr (disparage yourself)贬低自己,轻贱自己Describing himself as a 'hack' was doing himself a yourself a disservice v expr (hinder yourself)妨害自己;给自己帮倒忙You're doing yourself a disservice with your rude and aggressive comments.你那些粗鲁、得罪人的话只能给自己帮倒忙。do-it-yourself n UK (DIY: home improvement)自己设计装修The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional adj UK (DIY: done by amateur)自己做的;非请专业人士做的Did you see that patio? - it must have been a do-it-yourself job!你看到那个露台了吗?那肯定是你自己动手做的吧!doll yourself up vtr + refl slang (adorn, make more glamorous)打扮;扮靓Don't kid yourself. interj informal (do not be deluded) (非正式用语)别骗你自己了Don't kid yourself – he doesn't love you!别骗你自己了,他根本不爱你!drink yourself blind v expr informal, figurative (drink alcohol to excess)喝得烂醉如泥drive yourself to [sth] v expr (go by car)自己驱车前往I don't think you should drive yourself to the yourself to [sth] v expr figurative (motivate yourself)激励自己做...ease yourself into [sth] vi + prep (get into gently)让自己轻轻地进入ease yourself into [sth] vi + prep figurative (undertake slowly)让自己慢慢来embarrass yourself vtr + refl (make a fool of yourself)使尴尬;使窘迫On my first date with George, I embarrassed myself by spilling red wine down my shirt.第一次跟乔治出去约会的时候,我不小心把红酒洒在了衬衣上,极为尴尬。enjoy yourself vtr + refl (have a good time)玩的开心点;尽情享受We're enjoying ourselves by the beach.ensconce yourself vtr + refl (make yourself cosy)安坐,随便坐;安顿The campers ensconced themselves around the campfire.ensconce yourself vi (settle comfortably)使自己舒服地安置于;使自己舒适地坐在He ensconced himself in a leather armchair to deliver his lecture to me.ensconce yourself vi (take shelter or cover)隐藏;隐蔽entertain yourself vi (keep yourself occupied)自娱自乐;自我消遣Sit here and entertain yourself while I go make dinner.entrench yourself vtr + refl (military: dig a trench)保护The soldiers entrenched themselves in bunkers.excel yourself vtr + refl (do [sth] better than ever)超越自己;比过去做得好excuse yourself vtr + refl (politely say you are leaving) (礼貌用语)请允许我离开,我失陪一下Mary excused herself and left the meeting to pick up her son from school.exercise yourself vtr + refl (worry)让自己不安;让自己焦虑Don't exercise yourself about his broken promises.exert yourself vtr + refl (make physical effort)努力;尽力Elizabeth exerted herself at the gym today.exert yourself vtr + refl (make effort)努力;尽力而为We all need to exert ourselves, if we are going to finish this project on time.explain yourself vtr + refl (account for actions)解释清楚;说明意图Why did you take my car without asking? Explain yourself!为什么不问我一声就用了我的车?解释清楚!expose yourself vtr + refl (show genitals)暴露生殖器The student was arrested for exposing himself in yourself vtr + refl (communicate feelings, opinions)表达自我;展示自我extricate yourself vi (free, untangle yourself)解救自己出来,使自己挣脱出来It's going to take time and money to extricate yourself from this mess.extricate yourself vi figurative (no longer be involved)使自己解脱出来,从自己摆脱出来fall over yourself to do [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be extremely eager)急不可耐做某事;急欲做某事备注: Usually used in continuous tenses.familiarize yourself with [sth], also UK: familiarise yourself with [sth] v expr (get to know)使自己熟悉;使自己通晓feature yourself v expr US, slang (imagine)想象, 设想Just feature yourself on a beautiful, sandy beach!feel like yourself v expr (feel normal)感觉正常fend for yourself v expr (manage, cope alone)自力更生;自谋生计Julian left home at 18 and learned to fend for himself.find yourself vtr + refl (be, realise you are: in a place)认清自己身处...的地方find yourself vtr + refl (be, realise you are: in a situation)了解自己身处...的情境find yourself doing [sth] v expr (be, realise you are: doing [sth])忽然意识到自己在做She finds herself constantly thinking about the boy from her English class.find yourself, discover yourself vtr + refl figurative (find fulfilment)找到自我;实现自我价值I'm taking a year off to travel the world and find myself.fling yourself vtr + refl (throw yourself)冲向,扑向Erin flung herself into the pool.伊琳冲向泳池。fling yourself into [sth] v expr figurative (get involved in)投入;投身于Lara is flinging herself into learning Spanish.拉拉正投入地学习西班牙语。fling yourself at [sb] v expr figurative, informal (attempt to engage romantically)向...投怀送抱John flung himself at every girl he met.约翰向他碰到的每个姑娘都投怀送抱。for yourself adv (to benefit you)为自己Lola wears make-up for herself, not to impress anyone else.for yourself adv (independently, alone)独立;独自I don't need help putting up the shelves; I can do it for myself.force yourself vtr + refl (make yourself do [sth])逼迫自己做某事;强迫自己做某事force yourself to do [sth] v expr (make yourself do [sth])迫使自己做某事To make progress you have to force yourself to practice every day.force yourself on [sb] v expr (rape)强奸;强暴foul yourself vtr + refl (soil yourself by defecating)排泄时不小心把粪便弄到自己身上The nurse saw that her patient had fouled yourself vi (unburden yourself of [sth])解放自己;释放自己;解脱自己No one else can cure your addiction; you must free yourself from [sth/sb] vtr (reject, throw off)使自己摆脱;挣脱free yourself from a promise v expr (undo a promise)摆脱诺言的约束;不受诺言的约束free yourself from an obligation v expr (avoid having to fulfil a duty)不受责任的约束;摆脱责任freshen yourself up v expr (have a quick wash)迅速梳洗;梳妆打扮I'm just going to freshen myself up before we go out to full of yourself v expr (think too highly of yourself)自恋;自视甚高further yourself vtr + refl (improve your education, career)进修;提升自己get ahead of yourself v expr (think or act prematurely)操之过急get yourself up v expr informal (dress for an effect)装扮, 打扮备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a nounJo got herself up for the party.乔打扮好去参加派对。get yourself up in [sth] v expr (dress in fancy clothes)穿She got herself up in a gold sequinned dress and heavy make-up.她穿了一件金色亮片连衣裙并且化了浓妆。gird yourself vtr + refl figurative (prepare)准备行动The soldiers girded themselves for battle.Go f*** yourself! interj vulgar, offensive, slang (expressing anger or contempt)去你妈的gorge yourself v expr (overeat)饕餮;暴食gorge yourself on [sth] v expr (eat too much of [sth])吃...太多;暴食groom yourself vtr + refl (person: make yourself neat)梳洗打扮My brother spends hours grooming himself before a date.我的哥哥约会前花了半天梳洗打扮。handle yourself vtr + refl informal (defend yourself)保护自己;自卫help yourself vtr + refl (take [sth] offered)自己拿;自己取I've prepared some printed handouts. Feel free to help yourselves.我准备了一些打印的宣传册,请自行取用。help yourself to [sth] v expr (serve yourself)自己拿;自己取Help yourself to more cake.再吃点蛋糕。help yourself to [sth] v expr (take without asking)自己拿;自己取She helped herself to the office stationery.她自己拿了办公文具。help yourself interj (take what you wish)请自便;随意;别客气There's plenty to eat and drink, folks – just help yourselves.伙伴们,那里有很多吃的和喝的,请自便。hide yourself away v expr (be reclusive)躲起来;把自己藏起来She was very shy and hid herself away in her room all week.hide [sth] from yourself v expr (deny the reality of [sth])自欺欺人Stop hiding the truth from yourself - you know you love me! I can't hide my true feelings from myself any longer.别再自欺欺人了。你知道你是爱我的!我不能再对自己隐瞒真实感受了。home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n US (do-it-yourself)家居装饰,家装;家居装潢After he retired and had time to spare, Bob got into home improvement.The problem with do-it-yourself is that people often make mistakes and need to hire a professional later.home improvement (US), do-it-yourself (UK) n as adj US (do-it-yourself)自己动手的;自主完成的I'm going to the home improvement store for a screwdriver, some concrete blocks, and a can of paint.Did you see that patio? It must have been a do-it-yourself job!humble yourself vtr + refl (show humility or deference)表现谦虚Do not humble yourself when you are seeking a job.hurt yourself vtr + refl (suffer accidental injury)弄伤自己Don't hurt yourself on the trampoline!hurt yourself vtr + refl (inflict self-harm)伤害自己;自残You hurt yourself by smoking.identify yourself with [sb/sth] v expr (associate with [sb], [sth])参与(团体等);和…打成一片The largest group of people that don't identify themselves with a religion is young people.immerse yourself in [sth] v expr figurative (be absorbed)使自己沉浸于;使自己专注于She had immersed herself in her studies and didn't hear the doorbell.imperil yourself vtr + refl (do [sth] dangerous)使自己冒着危险;让自己陷入危险If you try to climb Mt. Everest without the correct equipment you will imperil yourself.improve yourself vtr + refl (become more educated)提高自己的修养improve yourself vtr + refl (acquire virtues, skills, etc.)提升自我get into a lather, get yourself in a lather, get yourself into a lather v expr figurative, informal (become overexcited or agitated)非常激动, 紧张, 焦躁in spite of yourself expr (do [sth] without expecting to)不知不觉地;不由自主地indulge yourself vtr + refl (enjoy a treat)让自己沉溺于;让自己享受On a Friday evening I like to indulge myself with a romantic movie and a box of chocolates.周五傍晚,我喜欢让自己沉溺于爱情电影和一盒巧克力。indulge yourself vtr + refl (have, do [sth] luxurious)放纵自己;让自己沉溺于Barbara decided to indulge herself by booking a spa treatment.ingratiate yourself vtr + refl (gain favor)讨好,取悦,巴结ingratiate yourself with [sb] v expr (gain favor with)迎合某人,讨好某人,取悦某人,巴结某人You should try to ingratiate yourself with the boss.injure yourself vtr + refl (be hurt accidentally)让自己受伤;伤到自己insure yourself vtr + refl (take out an insurance policy)为自己上保险;为自己买保险introduce yourself vtr + refl (say your name, etc.)自我介绍The interviewer introduced herself and invited the candidate to take a seat.面试官自我介绍后,请申请人坐下。involve yourself in [sth] v expr (participate)参加;参与I think you should involve yourself in some social activities and make new friends.involve yourself in [sth] v expr disapproving (become entangled: in [sth]) (难题、困境等)陷入;陷进Don't involve yourself in other people's affairs.keep to yourself v expr (not be social)不交际keep [sth] to yourself v expr (keep [sth] secret)对...保密;不泄露keep yourself cool n (avoid getting hot)保持凉爽;保持阴凉Chickens keep themselves cool in summer by finding shade.kick yourself vtr + refl informal, figurative (regret [sth])懊悔,后悔Tania realized that Audrey was right and has been kicking herself ever since.kick yourself for [sth] v expr informal, figurative (regret [sth])因为…感到懊悔,因为…后悔He kicked himself for not remembering to pack his torch.kid yourself v expr informal (deceive yourself, be in denial)欺骗;自欺Don't kid yourself, the relationship is over.kill yourself vtr + refl (die by suicide)自杀, 自尽He killed himself to avoid the shame of the scandal.kill yourself vtr + refl figurative (exhaust yourself)使自己疲惫不堪Don't kill yourself trying to carry all those boxes in one go.Knock yourself out! interj slang, figurative (go ahead, do it)使疲惫不堪"Could I try riding your bike?" "Sure, knock yourself out!"let yourself go v expr (be unrestrained, uninhibited)释放自我;不受束缚let yourself go v expr (appearance: deteriorate)不修边幅;放纵自己limit yourself vtr + refl (restrict consumption) (指消费)限制自己Limit yourself to alcohol-free drinks if you're planning to drive home.Try to limit yourself to one soda per day.limit yourself vtr + refl (restrict options) (选择范围)限制自己If you don't learn to speak English, you may limit yourself when looking for a job.lock yourself out v expr (forget keys)把自己锁在门外;把自己反锁在门外lose yourself in [sth] vtr figurative (become deeply absorbed in) (比喻)陷入, 深陷Why not lose yourself in a book for a few hours to take your mind off things?lower yourself vtr + refl (do [sth] undignified)自贬身份;贬低你自己Talk to that criminal? I wouldn't lower myself.lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (do [sth] undignified)屈尊降贵;自降身份Don't lower yourself by responding to his insults.lower yourself by doing [sth] vtr + refl (humble yourself)做某事是自贬身份The Duchess lowered herself by marrying a commoner.maintain yourself vtr + refl (keep fit and healthy)保持健康的身体状况;保持身材She maintained herself through a good diet and exercise.make a big name for yourself v expr (become famous)使你成名;让你声名远扬After his book was published he made a big name for himself in literary circles.make a fool of yourself v expr (do [sth] stupid)出丑;出洋相I don't mind being wrong, but I hate making a fool of myself.make a spectacle of yourself v expr (embarrass yourself)出洋相;出丑make an ass of yourself v expr slang (do [sth] stupid)出丑;出洋相Jim made an ass of himself when he turned up at work wearing differently coloured socks.make something of yourself v expr (become successful)出人头地Hard work will let you make something of yourself.make yourself do [sth] v expr (force yourself to do [sth])强迫自己做某事Jo made herself smile at the party so that nobody would know she felt sad.make yourself do [sth] v expr (cause yourself to do [sth])让自己做某事I say such silly things, I make myself laugh sometimes.make yourself at home v expr informal (settle in)让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样Please come in and make yourself at home!请进,请让自己舒舒服服的和在家里一样。make yourself at home interj (welcome!)别拘束;随便点;别客气We're not very formal around here - just make yourself at home!我们这儿不是什么很正式的场所,别拘束!make yourself clear v expr (speak plainly)说清楚;讲明白You must never do that again – have I made myself clear?make yourself comfortable v expr (settle into a place)别拘束I made myself comfortable on the sofa.make yourself heard v expr (speak loudly and audibly)发表意见He made himself heard by shouting down his debate opponent.make yourself scarce v expr informal (go away, disappear)溜走;悄悄离开I need to talk to your mother in private, so could you make yourself scarce for half an hour?nick yourself vtr (shaving)刮破;刮伤Kate nicked herself when she was shaving her yourself to criticism v expr (accept being judged)接受批评orient yourself, also UK: orientate yourself vtr + refl mainly US (get bearings)使自己熟悉情况;使自己熟悉环境outsmart yourself vtr + refl (be caught in your own trap)自作聪明;聪明反被聪明误This time I really outsmarted myself.overexert yourself vtr + refl (exhaust, work too hard)过分操劳vtr;过分辛劳;用力过猛overreach yourself vtr + refl (fail by trying to achieve too much)不自量力;因急于求成而失败You're overreaching yourself by taking too many classes.pace yourself vtr + refl (maintain steady rate)控制节奏,保持稳定的速度pamper yourself vtr + refl (treat yourself well)宠爱自己;呵护自己Why not pamper yourself with our new range of bath products?pat yourself on the back v expr figurative, informal (congratulate yourself)自我表扬You can all pat yourselves on the back. Well done, team!Pat yourself on the back. interj figurative, informal (well done)赞扬自己;自我表扬Congratulations on a job well done. Pat yourself on the back.perjure yourself vtr + refl (lie under oath)发假誓;作伪证The witness perjured herself by lying about her son's whereabouts on the night of the murder.piss yourself vtr + refl vulgar, slang (urinate in underpants)尿裤子piss yourself, piss yourself laughing vtr + refl vulgar, figurative, slang (laugh)大笑不止;笑破肚皮Some of the things he said were so funny, I was pissing yourself vtr (position yourself)把自己放在…Place yourself behind the line for the yourself vtr (imagine yourself)设想你自己…With eyes closed, place yourself in a happy place.please yourself! interj informal (do as you wish)随便你;你爱怎样就怎样I don't care which dress you wear. Please yourself!pleased with yourself adj (satisfied, content)对自己满意She was very pleased with herself when she passed her driving test at the first attempt.plop yourself down v expr informal (sit carelessly)一屁股坐下,随意坐下preen yourself vtr + refl (take great care over appearance)精心打扮John looks good, but he preens himself too much.preen yourself vtr + refl figurative (be vain)沾沾自喜Jane always gazes into the mirror, preening herself.prepare yourself v expr (get ready)做好准备I'm all packed for the move, but I still have to prepare myself mentally for the change.present yourself v expr (give an appearance or impression)呈现自己;展现自己Graham likes to present himself as a highly educated person.present yourself v expr (introduce yourself)介绍自己Make sure that you present yourself with confidence.pride yourself on [sth] v expr (be proud)以…为傲;以…自豪She prides herself on her spotlessly clean house.pride yourself on doing [sth] v expr (be conscientious)以做…自豪;以做…为傲I pride myself on staying fit and slim.prink, prink yourself vtr (fuss over appearance)打扮prostitute yourself vtr + refl (perform sex work)卖淫Pam was so desperate for money, she prostituted herself.prostitute yourself vtr + refl figurative (debase yourself for money) (自己)作践, 折辱The writer realized he would never make money writing literary novels, so prostituted himself by writing cheap thrillers.prostrate yourself vtr + refl (lie face down)俯倒;拜倒The monks prostrated themselves in front of the shrine.僧侣们在神庙前拜倒。proud of yourself adj (self-satisfied)自豪的You have achieved such good grades this term; you should be proud of yourself.你这学期取得的成绩这么棒,你真应该为自己感到自豪。prove yourself vtr + refl (demonstrate your worth, skill, etc.)证明你自己With his older siblings being high achievers, James feels he has to prove himself.pull yourself out of [sth] v expr figurative, informal (free yourself from [sth] by hard work) (通过努力工作)使自由;从...解放出来By working three jobs, Manny managed to pull himself out of poverty.pull yourself together v expr informal (regain composure)振作起来Mark told his sister to stop crying and pull herself together.pull yourself together! interj informal (you are overreacting, control yourself)控制自己!;保持镇静!Pull yourself together! It's only a bit of thunder - it can't hurt you.push yourself vtr + refl (strive hard, do one's utmost)发奋努力,拼尽全力Olympic athletes sometimes push themselves too hard when training, and cause injuries to themselves.push yourself to do [sth] v expr (strive hard to do [sth])努力去做put yourself in [sb]'s shoes v expr figurative (try to empathize)设身处地为...想想;站在...的角度想问题put yourself out v expr informal (inconvenience yourself)为(某人)费事I don't want you to put yourself out, but I'd be grateful for any help you can give me.put yourself out for [sb] v expr informal (go to trouble for [sb])为了...而为难自己As he's let me down over and over again, I'm not going to put myself out for him.put yourself out to do [sth] v expr informal (go to trouble)不厌其烦地做…;不嫌麻烦地做…She never puts herself out to help me.put yourself through [sth] v expr (force yourself to endure [sth])迫使自己经受住;让自己挺过I can't imagine voluntarily putting myself through cosmetic surgery.put yourself through [sth] v expr (college, etc.: fund your studies)为自己支付上学的费用James worked at a burger restaurant two days a week to put himself through college.reconcile yourself to [sth] v expr (accept [sth])接受;随遇而安;顺应,适应When Malcolm failed his test for the tenth time, he reconciled himself to the fact that driving was a skill he would never master.开车是马尔科姆永远无法掌握的技能,在驾考失败十次以后,他终于接受了这个现实。redeem yourself vtr + refl (make amends)弥补,挽回Tess got off to a bad start with her parents-in-law, but she redeemed herself by offering to do the washing up.redeem yourself vtr + refl (be saved from sin)自我救赎relieve yourself vtr + refl euphemism (urinate, defecate)大小便I can't believe you relieved yourself in the town square in daylight!我简直不敢相信你居然大白天在市中心广场随地大小便。repeat yourself vtr + refl (say [sth] again)再说一遍My grandmother is very forgetful and often repeats herself.我奶奶很健忘,车轱辘话说来说去。reproach yourself with [sth] v expr rare (blame yourself for)为某事责备自己;为某事自责That's nothing to reproach yourself with.resign yourself to [sth] v expr (accept)接受;使屈从Resigning himself to the fact that no one else would help him clear up, Tim rolled up his sleeves and set to work.提姆接受了没人会来帮自己打扫的事实,卷起袖子,开始工作。restrain yourself vtr + refl (control yourself)约束自己;克制自己Helena wanted another doughnut, but restrained herself out of politeness.海伦娜还想再吃一个甜甜圈,但出于礼貌,克制住了自己。restrict yourself to [sth] v expr (limit or confine yourself to)将自己限制在If you restrict yourself to only eating at mealtimes you may actually lose weight.I was conscientious and restricted myself to eating only five yourself into the ground v expr figurative (do too much)做过头;弄糟sacrifice yourself v expr (endure inconvenience or loss for [sb])自己做出一定的牺牲You don't need to sacrifice yourself for his benefit.sacrifice yourself v expr (die for a cause)牺牲自己的生命save yourself vtr + refl (wait to lose virginity)守身如玉等待;把自己保留起来以待Alice is saving herself for the right man.say to yourself [sth], say [sth] to yourself v expr (think)暗暗想道;心里想I said to myself, “No, that can't be right – I'd better start again from the beginning.”seclude yourself vtr + refl (hide away, isolate yourself)自我隔绝;与世隔绝Little is known about this writer, who secluded himself from the public eye.second-guess yourself vtr + refl (doubt yourself)怀疑自己,自我怀疑sell yourself short v expr informal (underestimate your abilities) (非正式用语)低估自己;妄自菲薄show yourself vtr + refl (not hide)露面;现身Come out of there and show yourself!show yourself to be [sth] v expr (demonstrate that you are)展示自己的某一特征He showed himself to be an astute politician.sob yourself to sleep v expr (cry until you fall asleep)哭到睡着After his wife left, Henry sobbed himself to sleep almost every night for a month.sorry for yourself adj (self-pitying)自怨自艾的,自怜的There's no point in feeling sorry for yourself; you just have to move on with your life.The stray dog looked so sorry for himself that Sue's heart melted, and she took him home with her.speak for yourself v expr informal (that is not my opinion)我可不这么认为"I really liked the film." "Speak for yourself!"spread yourself too thin v expr figurative (try to do too much)让自己太过忙碌spruce yourself up v expr (make yourself neat)把自己打扮整齐;把自己打扮漂亮Josh spruced himself up before going to dinner with his girlfriend.stand up for yourself v expr (defend yourself)捍卫自己,维护自己的权利Suzie has to learn to stand up for herself.steel yourself, steel yourself for [sth], steel yourself to do [sth] vtr + refl (get ready to face a challenge)做好准备面对(挑战);坚强起来,坚强些Steel yourself, because big changes are coming!做好准备,因为大变革就要来了!steel yourself vtr + refl (get ready for [sth] challenging)准备迎接困难;为挑战做好准备steel yourself interj (get ready to see or hear [sth] challenging)准备好stretch yourself out v expr (lie down, sprawl)舒展四肢躺着;四仰八叉地躺着stuff yourself vtr + refl informal (eat greedily)吃得太多;吃得肚满肠肥If you stuff yourself at lunch, you won't feel like going for a run this afternoon.如果你午餐吃得太多,下午就不会想去跑步了。stuff yourself with [sth] v expr informal (eat [sth] greedily)大吃大嚼…,一个劲地吃…It's impolite to stuff yourself with food at a holiday-party buffet.在节日聚会的自助餐上,一个劲地大吃很不礼貌。suit yourself vtr + refl (do what you want)随意;随便If Ben doesn't want to come to the party, he can suit himself; I'll go without him.suit yourself! interj (do what you want)请随君便;随便你I think that’s a stupid idea, but suit yourself; do it, if you want yourself vtr + refl (be financially independent)自给自足My sons are both grown up now and support themselves.sure of yourself adj (self-confident)自信的,对自己有信心的I wouldn't say Melanie is arrogant, but she is definitely sure of herself.我不会说梅勒妮很自负,不过她肯定对自己充满了信心。surrender yourself to [sth] v expr (give in to [sth] tempting)沉溺于;沉湎于She surrendered herself to the joy of the music.她沉溺于音乐带来的欢愉中。take care of yourself v expr (tend to own needs)照顾好自己;好好保重It's essential that we take care of ourselves in order to care for others.take care of yourself interj (said on parting) (告别用语)保重Take care of yourself! See you soon!take it upon yourself to do [sth] v expr (take responsibility for [sth])承担...的责任;负责James took it upon himself to make the arrangements for the party.take [sth] upon yourself v expr (independently decide to do [sth])自作主张...;自己决定...Jessica took it upon herself to write the boss a birthday card on behalf of everyone in the office.tart yourself up v expr slang (make yourself more glamorous)浓妆艳抹Daphne spent an hour tarting herself up before going out.tear yourself away v expr informal, figurative (remove yourself) (多指不情愿地)离开,走开tear yourself away from v expr informal figurative (remove yourself from) (多指不情愿地)从...离开,从...走开think for yourself v expr (be capable of independent thought)独立思考tire yourself out v expr informal (do [sth] to point of exhaustion) (非正式用语)让自己精疲力竭Don't tire yourself out at the gym.tog yourself up, get togged up v expr informal (dress up) (非正式用语)打扮自己top yourself v expr slang (commit suicide) (俚语)自我了结;自杀treat yourself vtr + refl (indulge in [sth] pleasurable)善待自己,好好对待自己;犒劳自己treat yourself to [sth] v expr (indulge in [sth] pleasurable)用...犒劳自己trouble yourself with [sth/sb] v expr (bother to attend to)自找…麻烦;给自己带来…麻烦Don't trouble yourself with the details, just read what's essential.unbosom yourself of [sth] v expr literary (unburden yourself of [sth])吐露; (心事等)表明unbosom yourself to [sb] v expr literary (unburden yourself to [sb])向...吐露心事unburden yourself of [sth] v expr (relieve yourself of [sth])卸去...负担;放松Adrian confessed his crime in an attempt to unburden himself of the guilt.vest yourself vtr + refl formal (put on ecclesiastical clothes) (专指基督教士的衣服)穿上衣服The priest vested himself to say mass.volunteer yourself vtr (military: enlist yourself) (军队)志愿参加He volunteered himself at the outbreak of war.Watch yourself! interj (be careful)小心!,小心点!Watch yourself! There's a step right in front of you.小心!你前面有阶坎。wear yourself out v expr (do [sth] to point of exhaustion)把自己累得筋疲力尽Don't wear yourself out by doing too much in one day.weigh yourself vtr + refl (measure own body weight)称体重The patient was instructed to weigh himself daily to check for fluid retention.医生嘱咐病人每天称体重,了解水潴留的情况。wet yourself vtr + refl (urinate in underpants)尿裤子work yourself into the ground v expr figurative (do too much)拼命工作He's working himself into the ground, doing three hours of overtime each yourself up v expr (become overwrought)过于激动worry yourself sick v expr figurative (be anxious)担心得要命When I didn't hear from him for a month, I worried myself sick instead of calling him.




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