

词汇 kissing you
释义 kissing you
kissing you发音



kissing bug───猎蝽

kissing off───解雇;拒绝,不理会


missing out───错过;遗漏;省略

kissing cousin───过从甚密相见时可接吻致意的远亲;可以和谐相处的人

pissing about───工作吊儿郎当

kissing bugs───猎蝽

kissing gate───窄门,(仅供一人通过的)U形或V形旋转的小门

kissing gourami───接吻鱼(等于Helostomatemminckii)


I'll consider kissing you when I have time.───当我有空时会考虑吻你。

While kissing you listen to your heart and think about how much your partner means to you.───在接吻的时候静听自己的心跳,想着对方在你心里有多重要。

I remember kissing you the night before, though.───不过我记得前一天晚上吻了你。

A day later, he wrote: 'See you Tuesday, my dear, I'm kissing you already and bless you from the bottom of my heart. '───一天后,他写道:“周二见,亲爱的,我已经在脑海中亲吻你,从心底祝福你。”

But his eyes will move down to your mouth and back up again, and this means he is probably thinking about kissing you.───但是他的眼光会往下移,看你的嘴,然后再看你的眼睛,这表明他很可能正想吻你。

Shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tight.───我真是羞愧,吻你的时候把眼睛闭的太紧了。

Just because she's moaning and kissing you passionately, it doesn't mean that her body is ready to have you inside her.───不能因为她在呻吟或是激情的吻你就认为她的身体已经做好让你进入的准备。

I don't regret it, you know. Kissing you.───你知道我不后悔吻了你

I would fall down on your lips kissing you.───我将悄悄滑落在你的嘴唇,吻你。


Let mummy kiss your tears away , ie help you to stop crying by kissing you.

If I am a tear in your eyes, I will fall down on your lips , kissing you .

  • kissing the fire
  • kissing booth
  • kissing you




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