bull thistle───矛叶蓟
fall in love───坠入爱河;爱上某人
fill the hole───把洞填满
milk thistle───水飞蓟;奶蓟草;牛奶蓟
all the more───adv.更加
bull thistles───矛叶蓟
fill the void───填补空白
This is what is love ah, this is not frame a brazier grill man Kill do?───这哪是恋爱啊,这不是架个火盆把人往死里烤吗?
A small boy may love his mother so much that he wants to kill his father. At the same time he loves his father and is deeply ashamed of this wish.───一个小男孩对母亲的爱恋可能深到想要杀死自己的父亲,而同时他又爱自己的父亲,因而为自己的想法深感惭愧。
Younger kids will love the repetition of the verses in this tale of a pout-pout fish who spreads his "dreary-wearies" and is an absolute buzz-kill wherever he swims.───小孩子会喜欢这个撅嘴鱼童话里那些不断重复的儿歌的。 这条鱼到处散布它的“沉闷的厌倦”,不管游到哪里它都是绝对的扫兴者。
- kill team
- kill me down
- kill myself
- kill with
- kill her
- kill the love
- kill you
- kill plants
- kills off
- killer whales
- kill time or kiss time
- kill this love
- killing stalking manga
- kill my time
- kill over
- kill the boy
- kill a word
- kill me cure me
- kill swag
- kill time posted
- killed in action