

词汇 kidney bean
释义 kidney bean
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kidney beans───云豆

kidney stone───n.肾结石

kidney vetch───野豌豆

kidney disease───肾病

honey bear───蜜熊

kidney dish───肾碟

kidney ore───n.肾铁矿,肾状矿石

kidney ores───n.肾铁矿,肾状矿石

kidney worm───肾蠕虫


Buy: broccoli, cauliflower, red kidney bean, lotus root, frozen strawberry.───采购: 西兰花, 花菜, 红腰果, 藕, 冷冻草莓.

Examples of high fiber snacks include all kinds of fruits like apple, banana, orange, cherry tomato, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, whole wheat biscuit, and beans like red bean or kidney bean etc.───富含纤维的零食包括各种水果,比如苹果、香蕉、桔子、樱桃西红柿等,还有燕麦片、全麦面包、全麦饼干和红豆、四季豆等豆类。

The results showed that Jinfu seed coating had no bad effect on the growth of kidney bean and plant fresh weight was added above 10%.───结果表明,金斧种衣剂对芸豆出苗后生长发育无不良影响,植株鲜重平均增加10%以上。

Soda residues can favorable improve acidity soil, and have obvious increase in production of lichee, kidney bean, tomato and sweet potato.───碱渣对酸性土壤有良好的改良作用,对荔枝、芸豆、番茄、番薯产量有明显提高。

Kidney bean and garland chrysanthemum were the most preferred, and cabbage and tomato were the least.───菜豆和茼蒿是南美斑潜蝇最喜欢产卵和取食的寄主, 而甘蓝和番茄是其选择性最差的寄主.

In addition, the white kidney bean that has rich nutrition is good to kidney and spleen.───此外白芸豆,营养丰富,经常食用,有健脾壮肾之功用.

Buy: Mung beans, Sesame, Dry chilli, Millet, soybean, Red kidney bean.───采购: 绿豆, 芝麻, 干辣椒, 粟, 大豆, 红芸豆.

The hemagglutinin in kidney bean ( PHA ) is one kind of protein which can agglutinate animal's erythrocyte.───菜豆凝集素 ( PHA ) 是一种能使动物红细胞凝集的蛋白质,是菜豆引起食物中毒主要的致毒物.

  • kidney transplant
  • kidney disease
  • kidney cancer
  • kidney beans




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