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词汇 well
释义 wellUK:*/ˈwɛl/US:/wɛl/ ,(wel)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Well then, What do you know!, we'll主要翻译 well adv (properly)妥善地;良好地The job has been done well.工作干得很好。 well adv (satisfactorily)好;令人满意地Things are going well lately; we have no unmet needs. The meeting went well, with no major difficulties.最近所有事情都很让人满意;我们的所有需要都得到了满足。会议进展顺利,没有遇到什么大问题。usage: ‘well’Good is never an adverb. If you want to say that something is done to a high standard or to a great extent, you use well, not ‘good’.She speaks English well.I don't know him very well.➜ See wellThe comparative form of well is better. The superlative form is best.I changed seats so I could see better.Use the method that works best for you.➜ See better well adv (adequately)足够地;充足地;富裕地We are well supplied with food.我们的食物供给很充足。 well adv (clearly)清楚地;清晰地The professor explained the material well, and we all understood the theory.教授清楚地讲解了教材,我们对这个理论了然于胸。 well adv (thoroughly)充分地;完全地The instructions tell us to mix the ingredients well before adding eggs.按照说明,我们要先充分拌匀材料,然后再加入鸡蛋。 well adv (to a great extent)从很大程度上;相当I understood him well, but still had a few questions.我相当了解他,不过还是有几个问题。 well adv (person: with intimacy)熟悉地;了解地I know him well.我很了解他。
 well adv (very)很;非常He is well aware of his responsibilities.他非常清楚自己肩上的责任。 well adj (in good health)健康的;无病的;康复的I was sick yesterday, but I am well today.昨天我生病了,但今天我好了。
 well n (natural water source)井;水井This house gets its water from a well.这栋房子的用水取自一口水井。 其他翻译 well adj (good, fine)好的;良好的All is well in our town today. well adv (certainly, without doubt)确定地;明确地Undoubtedly, he was well pleased to see her. well adv (in good humour, happily)好脾气地;友善地It was rather a cruel prank, but he took it well. well adv (correct, the right thing)正确地;恰当地You did well by telling the doctor the truth.告诉了医生真相,你这样做是正确的。 well adv (good financially)效益很好地;收益不错地We did well with that investment.我们的那笔投资收益很好。 Well! interj (indignation) (感叹词,表示愤怒)哎!喂!Well! I see you haven't had time to clean the house.哎!我看你是没有时间打扫屋子。 Well! interj (surprise) (感叹词,表示惊讶)啊!哎!Well! I never expected to run into you here!啊!完全没想到会在这儿碰到你! Well? interj (impatient for response) (感叹词,表示着急等待答复)嗯?啊?Well? What do you have to say?嗯?你要说什么? well interj (filler word, pause) (感叹词,表示语句暂时停顿)呃,嗯Well, I'll see what I can do.呃,我来看看我有什么办法。usage: used before a statementIn conversation, people sometimes say well when they are about to make a statement. Well can show that someone is hesitating or uncertain, but sometimes it has no meaning at all.‘Is that right?’ – ‘Well, I think so.’ In conversation, people also use well when they are correcting something they have just said.We walked along in silence; well, not really silence, because she was humming.It took me years, well months at least, to realise that he'd lied to me. well n (oil source)油井They have thousands of wells in Saudi Arabia.沙特阿拉伯有成千上万口油井。 well n (architecture: stairs, elevator)电梯井;升降机井;楼梯井They built the well in the centre of the building, and it has both stairs and a lift.他们在建筑内修建了电梯井,这样它就既有楼梯又有电梯了。 well n (container for liquid)盛放液体的容器The ink was kept in a well.墨水被存放在一个容器里。 well vi (liquid: surge) (液体)喷涌出,溢出vtrBlood welled from the wound.血从伤口处喷涌出来。 复合形式:well | Well then | What do you know! | we'll a job well done n (task that is performed well)出色地完成了任务Congratulations on a job well done! act well vi + adv (actor: be convincing)演得好;表演出彩Little Johnny acted so well in the school play, I'm sure he'll grow up to win an Oscar. air shaft, air well, ventilation shaft n (building: air passage) (建筑)通风井;通风竖井In my apartment, half the windows look out onto the street and half into the air shaft. alive and well adj (person: still alive and healthy)健在 alive and well adj figurative (industry, program: still active) (指行业等)活跃 All's well that ends well., All is well that ends well. expr (everything is resolved happily)结果好;万事好备注: This is the title of a play by Shakespeare. artesian well n (well with natural outflow)自流井This artesian well has been flowing for over one hundred years. as well adv (also)也,又;同样地,完全有理由地;还不如William invited not only Sue to the party, but her sister as well.威廉姆不仅邀请了苏参加派对,也邀请了她的姐姐。usage: ‘as well’As well always goes at the end of a clause.Filter coffee is better for your health than instant coffee. And it tastes nicer as well.They will have a difficult year next year as well. as well as conj (in addition to)除…之外(也);与…(程度)一样Our neighbor brought cake as well as juice for everyone.我们的邻居除蛋糕外还给各位带来了果汁。usage: linking noun phrasesIf you say that something is true of one person or thing as well as another, you are emphasizing that it is true not only of the second person or thing but also of the first one.Women, as well as men, have the right to work. augur well vi + adv (be good sign)是吉兆;预示吉利;预示好兆头Your tardiness does not augur well for your scholastic future.你的拖延习惯对于你的学术前景来说并非是好兆头。 behave well vi + adv (act properly)举止得体;行为得当 be doing well v expr (thrive)情况不错;状态良好Sarah and Jim are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter Grace. Both mother and baby are doing well.萨拉和吉姆很高兴能宣布他们的女儿格蕾丝出生了。母亲和宝宝都状态良好。 be doing well v expr (recover)康复得不错A month after her car accident, Mary is doing well.车祸一个月后,玛丽康复得不错。 do well vi + adv (be successful)做得好;成功He's doing well in his new job.他在新工作中表现地很好。 do well for yourself v expr informal (be successful) (非正式用语)做得好;成功;混得好You've obviously done well for yourself.你显然混得很好啊。 do well to do [sth] v expr (be wise)做得对;做得明智You would do well to heed her advice. dry well n (drainage pit with loose stones)干井;旱井 eating well n (healthy diet)健康饮食 get on well v expr informal (be friends)相处融洽;很要好Rick and Steve get on well.里克和史蒂夫很要好。 get on well with [sb] v expr informal (be friends)与…处得来;与…相处良好I get on well with my sister. get well v expr (recover from illness or injury)康复;恢复健康I'm sorry to hear you're ill – let's hope you get well soon.得知你生病了,很是遗憾,祝你早日康复。 get well soon interj (expressing wish for recovery)(祝你)早日康复;很快好起来I heard you came down with the flu. Get well soon!我听说你得了流感。祝你早日康复! get-well card n (token for ill person)慰问卡 go down well v expr informal, figurative (news: be welcome) (消息等)被顺利接受News of an increase in profits went down well with investors in the company.利润增加的消息让公司投资者很高兴。 go down well v expr informal, figurative (performance: be enjoyed)受欢迎;受到好评The band were very good and they went down well with the fans.这支乐队很出色,受到歌迷的好评。 go well expr (favorable outcome)进展顺利Ruth's meeting with her boyfriend's parents went well. go well beyond v expr (exceed by far)远超;大幅超越 hail-fellow-well-met adj formal (over-familiar)过分亲热的;假意示好的 just as well expr (to equal standard)恰好;正好 just as well expr informal (fortunate)幸好It's just as well I retired before they changed all the duties of my job. keep well v expr (stay fit and healthy)保持健康Have you seen old Mr.Smith lately; he's keeping well! He doesn't look a day over 70. know damn well [sth], know damn well that v expr slang, potentially offensive (be aware)非常清楚Don't play coy with me, you know damn well what I'm talking about! know full well v expr (be very much aware)非常清楚He knew full well that what he was doing was illegal, but it didn't stop him. leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (not disturb)让…独自呆着;别去打扰I just want to be left alone to get on with my novel. leave [sb/sth] alone, leave [sb/sth] well enough alone vtr + adj (stop harassing)停止骚扰She wished that the man beside her at the bar would leave her alone. live well v expr (be comfortably well off)很好地生活We're not rich, but we live well. look well v expr (appear healthy)看上去健康,看上去气色好 look well v expr informal (look well-dressed)穿着得体 may, may well v aux (even though)尽管;或许She may well be your best friend, but she doesn't have the right to speak to you like that. may well v expr (might very possibly)很可能They may well win the tournament. mean well v expr (have good intentions)好意Even though you meant well, what you said was hurtful. might as well, may as well v expr (have no reason not to)最好;不妨;莫如I might as well go with you.我最好和你一起去。 might as well, may as well v expr (would be the same)就像;就像是It might as well be winter, with all this cold wet weather we're having.我们这儿一天天的湿冷天气,就像身处冬季一般。 ne'er-do-well n (person: lazy, irresponsible)游手好闲的人 ne'er-do-well adj (lazy, irresponsible)游手好闲的 not well founded adj (not based on fact)依据不足The evidence against John was not well founded, so he avoided prosecution.Your optimism about the stock market was clearly not well founded. note well interj (nota bene, please note)请注意;留心点Please note well the deadlines for submitting your work. oh well interj (expressing resignation)好吧 oil well n (petroleum mine)油井Their oil well turned out to be a gusher, producing over 1,200 barrels a day. pretty well adv informal (quite successfully) (非正式用语)很不错,很成功,很好I think that went pretty well.We worked pretty well together. pretty well adv informal (almost completely) (非正式用语)差不多,几乎He pretty well won the game single-handedly. quite well adv (to a fairly high standard)很不错地;很好地James did quite well in his exam. quite well adv (fairly successfully)很成功地The business performed quite well in its first year of trading. rather well adv (to quite a high standard)相当好 rather well adv (quite successfully)非常成功 reasonably well adv (quite successfully)相当好地;相当不错地Though I'm not an expert, I can cook reasonably well. relate well to [sb] v expr (get along with [sb])与...相处融洽;和...关系处得好For a teenager, she relates well to adults. sit well with [sb], stand well with [sb] v expr colloquial (be accepted)适合;对...的胃口This situation doesn't sit well with me. sleep well v expr (have a restful sleep)睡得好I felt really good in my new house, so I slept well that night.The babies sleep well when it's raining. sleep well interj informal (have a restful sleep)祝睡好, 睡个好觉 speak well of [sb] v expr (praise)说…的好话You need your clients to speak well of you to their friends and acquaintances. stairwell, stair-well, stair well n (stair shaft) (建筑)楼梯井,楼梯In our building you can look up through the stairwell to the top. that's all very well, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work. that's all well and good, but expr informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)好吧…但是,那也好…然而That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ? think well of [sb] v expr (respect, admire)对…评价较好Amy's parents think well of her new boyfriend. very well adv (successfully)很好,很成功He patched the hole in the wall very well: you'd never know it was there.他把墙上的洞补得很好,你都不会知道它在那儿。 very well interj (expressing consent) (略为勉强的同意)好吧,就这样吧Very well, then: you may go out tonight, but you must be home by midnight.好吧,今晚你可以外出,不过必须在半晚之前回家。 water well n (hole dug to obtain water)水井 wear [sth] well vtr + adv (look good in)耐用; (人)不见老Mmm, she certainly wears that bikini well! wear well vtr + adv figurative (age, etc.: assume comfortably) 没有提供翻译 Mr Jones is wearing his new authority well! wear well vi + adv (be enduring)耐用; (人)不见老I buy practical, simple clothes that wear well and don't go out of style. wear well vi + adv (not age too fast)耐用; (人)不见老Car tires don't seem to wear as well as they used to. wear well vi + adv figurative (person: not look old)显得年轻Your father's wearing well, considering he's 93. well adjusted, well-adjusted adj figurative (emotionally stable)情绪稳定的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounIn spite of the problems she had growing up, she has turned out to be suprisingly well adjusted. well advised, well-advised adj (wise, sensible)明智的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well aware adj (very conscious: of [sth])非常明白,十分清楚 well away from prep (at a distance from)远离After the argument they decided to stay well away from one other.Any nuclear energy plant should be located well away from urban centers. well balanced, well-balanced adj (in good proportion)平衡的;协调的备注: hyphen used when adj comes before the noun it modifiesIn order to stay healthy it is important to eat a well-balanced diet. well balanced, well-balanced adj figurative ([sb]: stable) (人)心理平衡的 well behaved, well-behaved adj (good, not naughty)乖的;听话的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounIt's always nice to see well-behaved children.Your dog's so well behaved - it never seems to bark.听话的孩子总让人高兴。// 你的狗真听话,似乎从来都不汪汪叫。 well connected, well-connected adj (having influential friends)社会关系强固的;有人脉的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. well defined, well-defined adj (clearly outlined, stated)阐述清晰的;有条理的;轮廓清楚的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well deserved, well-deserved adj (highly merited, earned)应得的,当之无愧的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounAfter the long battle, the Vikings went home for some well-deserved mead. well developed, well-developed adj (be elaborate or highly thought out)完善的The plot of your short story is well developed, but you need to flesh out the characters. well developed, well-developed adj (be physically mature)发育良好的,发育成熟的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.My, she's a well-developed young lady! No wonder all the men are watching her. well disposed, well disposed towards [sb/sth], well-disposed towards [sb/sth] adj (feeling favourable, sympathetic)对...有好感的,对...友好的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well done interj (congratulations)干得好!You got an A on the test? Well done!你考试得了A?干得好! well done, well-done adj (meat: cooked right through) (牛排等)完全烤熟的,全熟的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.I prefer my steak well done because I can't stand the sight of blood.我希望我的牛排能是全熟的,因为我见不得血。 well endowed, well-endowed adj (wealthy)资金充足的,富有的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well endowed with [sth] adj + prep (having plenty of [sth])有充足的The organization is well endowed with funds for building repairs. well endowed, well-endowed adj euphemism (man: having a large penis) (男性)阴茎大的 well endowed, well-endowed adj euphemism (woman: having large breasts) (女性)乳房大的 well enough adv (sufficiently)还不错,还可以;相当,非常The team played well enough to have deserved at least a draw. well enough adv (in a sufficiently good way)还不错,还可以;相当,非常I speak French well enough, but I couldn't pass for a native speaker. well established, well-established adj (existing, proven from long ago)根深蒂固的;已确立的,已确认的;固定下来的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. well fed, well-fed adj (plump)饱满的,丰满的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well founded, well-founded adj (based on good reasons)有充足依据的;有充分原因的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well groomed, well-groomed adj (smart, tidy)精心打扮的,整洁的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun well grounded, well-grounded adj (evidence based)有充分理由的,有充分根据的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun




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