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词汇 up to
释义 up to 主要翻译 be up to [sth] v expr informal (be capable of)有能力做到…的;能胜任…的Are you sure you are up to this job?你确定你能胜任这份工作了吗? be up to doing [sth] v expr informal (be capable of doing)能够;有能力Alice should apply for the manager's job; I think she is up to running the department.爱丽丝应该申请经理的工作,我认为她有能力管理这个部门。 be up to [sth] v expr (be fit enough for)有能力做某事;能胜任;做得了某事We can go for a walk after lunch, if you think you are up to it.午饭后我们可以出去散散步,如果你觉得自己可以的话。 be up to doing [sth] v expr (be fit enough to do)能胜任I can run 5K, but I'm not yet up to running a marathon.我可以跑5千米,但还没到能跑马拉松的程度。 be up to [sth] v expr informal (be busy with)忙于;从事;干某事What have you been up to since I last saw you?自从我们上次见面后你都忙些什么呢? be up to [sth] v expr informal (be doing: [sth] suspicious)在搞什么名堂;在干什么The shopkeeper asked the mischievous little boy what he was up to.店主问那个顽皮的小男孩在干什么。 be up to [sth] v expr informal (be scheming)在谋划;在密谋I don't know what he's planning, but he's definitely up to something!我不知道他要做什么,但他肯定在筹划什么! be up to [sb] adv + prep (be [sb]'s choice)取决于某人;在于某人; (指做决定、选择等)看某人的I don't care where we eat – it's up to you.我随便去哪里吃饭都可以——看你怎么选吧。 be up to [sb] to do [sth] adv + prep (be [sb]'s responsibility)由…来…;由…负责…It's up to you to decide where we go tonight.由你决定今晚我们去哪里。 其他翻译 up to adv + prep (until, as far as)直到The water was up to my waist and as I can't swim, I panicked. up to [sth] adv + prep (to a maximum of)最多The judge warned the prisoner that he could be facing up to ten years in jail.法官警告囚犯,他可能面临最多十年的监禁。 up to [sth] adv + prep (to a higher level) (更高水平)升至,达至We took the elevator up to the tenth floor. 动词短语 buddy up to vtr phrasal insep US, informal (curry favor of, befriend)对...友好;亲近 come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (reach as high as)变得跟…一样高,到…的高度Don't worry if you can't swim; the water will only come up to your knees.即便不会游泳也不用担心,那里的水只会到你的膝盖那么高。 come up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep figurative (meet: standards, expectations) (标准、要求等)达到;达成No matter what he did, he wasn't able to come up to his father's expectations.无论做什么,他都无法达到父亲的预期。 get up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (do: [sth] mischievous) (常指不好的事情)做,干Katie has locked her bedroom door; what's she getting up to in there?凯蒂锁了卧室的门。她在里面干什么呢? kiss up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep figurative, slang (be obsequious towards)拍马屁;讨好;巴结You can kiss up to your boss but you're still not guaranteed a pay rise. live up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (be as good as)达到…标准;不辜负She made every effort to live up to her ideals.她尽一切努力来达到自己的理想。 look up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep (admire and respect [sb])敬爱;尊敬;崇敬Ideally, children should look up to their parents.理想情况下,孩子们应该敬爱自己的父母。 make up to [sb] vtr phrasal insep US, informal (fawn)巴结;讨好;奉承That guy makes me sick; he's always making up to the boss. put [sb] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (persuade [sb] to do [sth])唆使某人做某事;怂恿某人做某事Rick was questioned by police but would not reveal who put him up to the crime.里克遭到警方的审问,不过就是不透露出唆使他犯罪的元凶。 stand up to [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep (confront)对抗;抵抗;反抗Kate stood up to the bully by telling her loudly to stop.凯特反抗那个恶霸,大声叫她停下来。 stand up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (withstand: wear, stress)经久耐用;经得起They ran many trials to ensure the fabric would stand up to the extreme weather conditions.他们做了许多测试以确保这种织物能经得起极端气候条件。 work up to [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal (gather courage)鼓起勇气I'm still working up to asking her out on a date. 复合形式: bring [sb] up to date v expr (give [sb] the most recent information)告诉...最新消息;给...最新消息Alice brought me up to date with all her news. count up to [sth], count to [sth] v expr (recite numbers)合计;数到I can count up to ten in Chinese. be all it's cracked up to be, be what it's cracked up to be v expr (be as good as claimed)并没有所说的那么好;徒有虚名;名不副实备注: Often used in the negative.That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all! be fed up to the back teeth of doing [sth], be sick to the back teeth of doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated by [sth] repeated)烦透了;失望透顶备注: also "with doing sth"She said angrily that she was fed up to the back teeth of hearing us bicker. feel up to [sth], feel up to doing [sth] v expr (have health, energy for [sth])感觉有精力…;感觉有力气…I'm so tired that I don't even feel up to going to the party. go up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach, accost)靠近;接近Don't be shy, just go up to him and say hi! go up to [sth] v expr (reach as high as)上升至;长及I want some boots that go up to my knees. have had it up to here v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)受够了 have had it up to here with [sth/sb], be up to here with [sth/sb] v expr figurative, informal (be exasperated)对...受够了;对...很反感I've had it up to here with all your excuses! in the lead-up to [sth] expr (in the period before)在...之前This change was reflected in the opinion polls conducted in the lead up to the election. It's up to you. interj informal (it is your decision)由你来定;你说了算We can get Mexican or Chinese food tonight - it's up to you. keep [sb] up to date v expr (inform regularly)使…了解最新消息;使…跟上时代We'll keep you up to date with the latest business news. keep [sth] up to date v expr (update)使…保持更新It's important to keep your business website up to date. keep up to date v expr (stay informed)了解最新消息;跟上时代I read Vogue magazine to keep up to date with all the latest fashions. leading up to prep (preceding)通往;一路通向 leading up to prep (preparatory to)作为…的准备 live up to [sb]'s expectations, live up to expectations v expr (be as good as anticipated)不负所望;满足期望I fear I will never live up to my parents' expectations. live up to your billing v expr figurative (be as good as expected)不负期待Let's hope their new player lives up to his billing and scores a few goals! make it up to [sb] v expr informal (make amends)弥补所受的伤害等George wanted to make it up to Andrea for being so bad-tempered towards her earlier. not up to prep informal (not fit enough for)没有达到;不能胜任He tried hard, but he was not up to the challenge.Your performance is not up to the standards we are looking for. open [sth] up to [sb] v expr figurative (extend to include)对…打开,对…开放Email was opened up to the public in the early 1990s. own up to [sth] v expr (confess responsibility for)承认,坦白Nobody owned up to the theft, so the teacher gave the whole class a detention. snuggle up to [sb] v expr (curl up close to)依偎着;紧贴着Little Bess snuggles up to her favorite teddy bear when she naps. up to a point adv (to a limited extent)在一定程度上I liked the film, up to a point, but the gratuitous violence spoiled it for me. up to date, up-to-date adj (current, modern)现代的;先进的;最新的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounIs your operating system up to date?你的操作系统是最新的么? up to date, up-to-date adj (person: informed)最新的;随时更新的;消息灵通的Jen was always up to date on her celebrity gossip.对于名人的小道传闻珍总是消息灵通。 be up to no good v expr (be busy doing [sth] bad)不怀好意;没干好事When he has that look on his face, I know he's up to no good.一看他的神情我就知道,他肯定没干好事。 up to now adv (thus far, to this point in time)到目前为止;迄今为止Up to now, I have been successful in my career. No news up to now.到目前为止,没有新消息。迄今为止,我的事业都很成功。 up to par expr (satisfactory)令人满意的 up to par with [sth/sb] expr (at the same level as)与...标准一致;合乎...的标准 up to scratch adj informal, figurative (meets expected standard)达到标准的;符合要求的I didn't get the job as a tour guide because my spoken Spanish wasn't up to scratch. up to snuff adj slang (acceptably good) (俚语)符合标准的His work's always up to snuff. up to speed expr (know the current situation)了解最新情况 up to standard adj (acceptably good)合格的;符合标准的 up to the job adj informal (capable)胜任工作Many people believe that our manager isn't up to the job. up to the mark adj (acceptably good)符合要求的;达到标准的My teacher told me that my work wasn't up to the mark. up to the minute, up-to-the-minute adj (extremely current)最新的;最新式的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThis TV network claims to provide the most up-to-the-minute news. up to the present adv (until now)直到现在;至今I've worked for six weeks but haven't been paid up to the present. up to the time of prep (before or until the era of)截止…时间为止;到…为止 up to this time adv (until now)到此刻为止;到目前为止;到现在为止 up to this time adv (until a specified point in the past)到那时;到(过去的)某个时间为止 walk up to [sb/sth] v expr (approach on foot)向…走去He walked up to me and told me how much he enjoyed my presentation. What are you up to? expr (what are you doing now?)你在干什么?"What are you up to now?" a voice asked Sara when she answered the phone.




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