it's nothing───小事情
for nothing───免费;徒然
if anything───如果有什么区别的话
not for nothing───有原因
stop at nothing───不惜一切代价;毫无顾忌
all or nothing───adj.孤注一掷的;全部或一无所有的
stick at nothing───毫无顾忌,不择手段,什么都干得出
Lay off me will you—it's nothing to do with me.───别找我好不好—这事与我无关。
It's nothing to worry about—just a simple headache.───不用担心—只是有点儿头痛。
I'm sorry, but it's nothing to do with you.───对不起,不过这和你无关。
When you get stuck behind somebody, it's nothing but a struggle to try and attack towards better positions.───当你被别的车赌在后面,除了挣扎,尝试攻击来获得更好的位置,除此之外没有别的可做了。
For a long time I felt very shameful of it, but I've come to realize it's nothing to be ashamed of.───很长一段时间,我觉得那是非常丢脸的,但我已经认识到这没什么可羞耻的。
it's nothing. thank you for your roses. (she hands him a present. ) a little present for you.───不客气.谢谢你的玫瑰花.(她递给他一个礼物)给你准备的一个小礼物。
you know, Eh-heh it's nothing to a professional athlete. basketball transcends boundaries and countries, right?───你知道,呵呵,对于一个专业运动员一切都不算什么。篮球没有国界,对吗?
We exchange polite smiles, and I resist the urge to blurt out that I am boycotting Chinese goods for a year but that it's nothing personal.───我们互相礼貌地笑笑,我抑制自己想脱口而出的话:今年我在抵制中国商品,但跟个人感情无关。
And she said: "Everyone has cellulite, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. "───维多利亚说:“每个人都有,这没有什莫值得尴尬的。”
- It eats
- It s OK
- It is me
- It snotherbook
- It was fun
- It s nothing
- It swhite
- It s the end
- It s an eraser
- It s a com
- It sinthebluebag
- It is raing
- It s raining
- It s ten
- It s cheap
- It sinAmenic
- It is white
- It is an eraser
- Its name
- It scandy
- It s night