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词汇 time out
释义 time out 主要翻译 time out vi phrasal (web page: expire) (网页)过期If I fool around too long, that website will time out.如果我不操作过久,那个网站就会超时。 time out, time-out, timeout n (sports: pause, break) (运动)暂停The coach requested a time-out as the player appeared to be hurt.那名球员似乎受伤了,教练要求暂停比赛。 time out, time-out, timeout n (pause)暂停; (比喻)喘口气It is good to take a time-out from your studies now and then to see your friends and have fun.现在停下学习,抽出时间见见你的朋友一起玩一玩是很好的。 time out, time-out, timeout n (discipline technique)角落罚站备注: 对孩子的一种管教手段,让孩子一个人到小角落反省A time out can give kids the chance to calm down and that way, when you do talk to them about their behaviour, they are more likely to listen.罚站可以让孩子们有机会冷静下来,当你与他们谈论他们的行为时,他们更可能听进去。 复合形式: be out of time v expr (have passed a deadline)迟到的,迟的;晚了的As the clock ticked over the hour he realized he was out of time. run out of time v expr (have no time left)没有时间了;时间用尽了 time is running out n (there is not much time left: before [sth] happens)没时间了,时间不多了




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