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词汇 threatening
释义 threateningUK:*/ˈθrɛtənɪŋ/US:/ˈθrɛtənɪŋ/ ,(thret′n ing)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: threaten主要翻译 threatening adj (act, gesture) (行为等)威胁性的,恐吓性的Simon gave Ben a threatening look, warning him to remain silent.西蒙威胁性地瞪了本一眼,警告他保持沉默。 threatening adj (causing fear, concern)凶险的;造成威胁的The situation between the two countries is threatening and may result in war if negotiations fail.两国局势十分凶险,如若谈判破裂,则有可能导致战争。 threatening adj (person) (人)有威胁的; (人)危险的Rachel found the man threatening and wanted to get away as soon as possible.蕾切尔觉得那个人很危险,所以想要尽快脱身。 threatening adj (weather: ominous) (天气)要变恶劣的,要变坏的;不妙的Judging by those threatening clouds on the horizon, I think we'll have rain before long.天边那些云的样子不妙,我想过不了多久就要下雨。 复合形式:threatening | threaten life-threatening adj (potentially fatal)致命的,危及生命的The doctors diagnosed a life-threatening cancer.His injuries from the car accident were life-threatening. nonthreatening, non-threatening adj (not aggressive)非恐吓性的;非威胁性的 nonthreatening, non-threatening adj (not dangerous or harmful)没有危害的;没有危险的




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