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词汇 iron ore
释义 iron ore
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iron ores───铁矿

iron horse───n.铁马(蒸汽火车头)

iron grey───铁灰色;铁灰色的

iron age───铁器时代

iron out───消除;烫平



iron horses───n.铁马(蒸汽火车头)

iron greys───铁灰色;铁灰色的


Origin of Iron Ore: Banjarmasin area, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.───铁矿石产地: 印度尼西亚,南加里曼丹, 马辰区.

Are there any foreign iron ore enterprises related to Rio Tinto case under investigation?───是否还有其他与力拓案有关的外国铁矿石企业也在接受调查?

The speculative demand for iron ore, for example, is gravely hurting China's national interest.───例如, 对铁矿石的投机性需求就严重伤害了中国的国家利益.

They struck a rich seam of iron ore.───他们开出一个富铁矿层。

Timber, Timber Products and Plank, Iron Sand, Iron Ore, Neem Oil.───采购产品木材, 木材产品和厚木板, 铁沙子, 矿砂, 印楝油.

Iron ore is the clearest example.───铁矿石就是最显而易见的案例.

Petroleum, iron ore, cereals, fruit, sugar and coffee.───石油, 铁矿, 谷物, 果子, 糖和咖啡.

Vale is expected to ship about 220 m tonnes of iron ore in 2009.───预计淡水河谷2009年将发运2.20亿吨铁矿石.

Smaller mills buy iron ore on the spot market.───较小的钢厂在当地市场上购买铁矿石。

Iron is extracted from iron ore by heating the ore with coke and limestone.───铁是通过用焦碳和石灰石加热铁矿石而提炼出来的.

Wider range of granularity of iron ore will produce longer the amount of calcium ferrite.───粒度范围越宽的铁矿,生成铁酸钙的量越多.

The main reason is the sharp decline in iron ore prices and secondary market volatility.───主要原因是铁矿石价格的大幅下跌和二级市场的股价波动.

Geologic situation, resources and exploitation condition of shanxi loulan Metamorphic Iron Ore Area were introduced.───介绍了山西岚娄变质铁矿区的地质情况 、 资源储量及开发现状.

The iron ore price will be regional differences in it?───铁矿石的价格会有地域性的差异 吗 ?

By steel production is estimated that domestic and imported iron ore and demand basically in balance.───按钢产量推算,国产和进口铁矿石供需基本平衡.

A deep iron ore spot market remains some years off.───要组建一个完善的铁矿石现货市场仍然需要数年时间.

Sugar, Barley Corn , Wheat , Clothes . Jeanswear, Iron Ore Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities.───采购产品糖, 大麦,玉黍蜀, 小麦, 矿砂农产品和以农产品为基础的产品和日用品.

Industry: petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold.───工业: 原油, 钻石, 铁矿, 磷酸盐, 长石矿, 铝氧石, 铀, 黄金.

Iron ore is selling for about $ 70 a metric ton on the spot market.───现货市场的铁矿石价格为每70美元左右.

We think the authorities should see whether there is a cartel in the iron ore market.───我们认为,当局应该调查一下,铁矿石市场上是否存在卡特尔组织.

For separating iron from the impurities the iron ore must be melted.───为了使铁跟杂质分离,铁矿石必须经过冶炼.

Rail concentrates covered processing and sintering, iron ore processing.───铁精矿石粉加工、烧结 、 铁矿石加工.

does not cost much to scrape it up, and the expense comes in moving costs from mine to market. Even so, Australia can produce iron ore for $25 a tonne.───成本本身不高,而且外部投资正在将成本从矿山转移到市场。即便如此,澳大利亚可以以每吨25澳元的价格成本生产铁矿石。

Hanison seamless information recently, domestic steel prices and iron ore on the news as mixed feelings.───兴胜无缝管讯近日, 关于国内钢企和铁矿石的消息可谓忧喜参半.

I. oxid, include magnetic iron orered iron ore , brown iron ore, etc.───含铁氧化物的矿物有磁铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿、钛铁矿等.

The iron ore pricing round is an especially sticky subject.───铁矿石定价谈判是一个特别棘手的问题.

This paper presents an application of MSP 430 to test the pressure strength of iron ore pellet.───本文介绍Msp430内部资源以及它在球团矿抗压强度测试中的应用.


Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.

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