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词汇 atomic clocks
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atomic clocks发音



atomic clock───原子钟

ammonia clocks───氨钟

Atmos clocks───空气钟

acorn clocks───橡子钟

atomic bombs───原子弹(atomicbomb的复数)

time clocks───打卡钟,出勤记录钟

atomic cocktails───原子鸡尾酒


That simple idea was the incentive to develop laser cooling and atomic traps, which in turn led to impressive improvements in the precision of atomic clocks.───这一简单的想法源于激光冷却的发展和原子势阱的发现,最后甚至导致了精密计时的原子钟的出现。

As for larger atomic clocks, current models measure the interaction of microwaves with electrically charged atoms, or ions, to measure one second.───对于较大的原子钟而言,当前的方法是以测量带电原子或离子发出的微波干涉方法确定一秒种的长度。

The experiments are a significant step toward next-generation "atomic clocks" based on optical rather than microwave frequencies.───此实验对下一代“原子钟”的产生是重要的一步,下一代“原子钟”将是基于光频而不再是微波频率。

Around the world, time is now monitored by highly reliable atomic clocks that are coordinated to produce a universal time standard.───当今世界,时间在很大程度上是由提供宇宙同步时间的原子钟来监测。

To understand why timekeeping has suddenly lurched into high gear, it helps to know a little about how atomic clocks work.───若想要了解计时器为何突然倒向高科技阵营,我们必须稍微认识一下原子钟是如何运作的。

These carry atomic clocks that have to run at a different speed to those on the ground because gravity is greater there.───卫星携带的原子钟必须和地面的运行速度不一样,因为那里的重力更强。

Then along came atomic clocks, following the beat of quantum mechanics, the laws that govern the energies of electrons bound to nuclei.───伴随着量子力学的横空出世,核子与电子间的作用法则被揭示,之后就轮到原子钟独领风骚了。

The current generation of portable atomic clocks is roughly the size of a pack of playing cards.───当代的便携电子钟大约有一个扑克牌盒那么大。

One of these shifts is that the atomic clocks on Earth will soon need constant adjustment.───其中一个转变就是地球上的原子时钟将很快需要不断地校准。


These transmit coded signals containing information from highly accurate atomic clocks on board.

John Kitching and colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colo., are designing atomic clocks that range in size from a sugar cube to a grain of rice.

Today's standard atomic clocks vibrate at microwave frequencies, about 9 billion cycles per second.

Atomic clocks rely on regular oscillations of caesium atoms to keep time and are extremely accurate.

Optical atomic clocks oscillate much faster, at about 500, 000 billion cycles per second, and thus divide time into smaller units.

Other more recent tests involve direct comparison of the time-keeping of atomic clocks or of masers.

A spin-off of NIST's miniature atomic clocks, NIST's magnetic mini-sensors were first developed in 2004.

It also has the advantage of reducing many systematic effects present in atomic clocks.

The experiments are a significant step toward next-generation "atomic clocks" based on optical rather than microwave frequencies.

  • atomic clocks
  • atomic mass
  • atomically resolved
  • atomic weapon
  • atomicity acid
  • atomicity problem
  • atomical limit
  • atomic weapons
  • atomic habits
  • atomically thin




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