

词汇 in true
释义 in true
in true发音




ring true───听来真实可靠;听上去是真的

in trust───被托管

in truth───真实地;实在

in re───abbr.关于(inregardto)

in time───及时;适时

in tray───文件盘;收文盘

to true───为真


in trouble───在监禁中;处于不幸中;处困难中


She is singing in true.───她调子唱得很准.

Barely 5% live in true country.───仅5%的人住在真正的乡村。

Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love — one that is pure and enduring.───年轻使我不懂得爱——那种纯洁且历久弥坚的爱.

This puts things in true perspective.───这才是对待事物的正确观点。

Dear, we've ever been in true love!───亲爱的, 我们曾经真的爱过!

They work best when showing movies or TV programs made in true high definition.───当他们播放由真正高清品质制作的电影或电视节目是,可以到达最佳的工作状态.

There are fewer colors in palette images than in true color images.───一般调色板图像的颜色种类比较少,用此类静态图像制作隐秘图像安全性较差.

Freedom. In true love, you attain freedom.───真爱里,你获得自由。

The post is in true.───柱子立得很正.

Be humble, be harmless, gave no pretension, be upright, forbearing, serve you teacher in true obedience.───要谦虚, 无恶意, 不虚伪, 要正直, 宽容, 对你的老师要真正的服从.

I am interested in true stories about great scientists.───我对一些伟大的科学家的真实故事很感兴趣.

Men shall dwell together in true brotherhood and goodwill and joy.───在那儿人们将象真正的兄弟一样生活在一起,相亲相爱,欢乐无穷.

Constable, in true British form , laughs in the face of adversity.───康斯特布尔以真正的英国人气概笑对他所遇到的一切困难.

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