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词汇 metal
释义 metalUK:*/ˈmɛtəl/US:/ˈmɛtəl/ ,(met′l)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 metal n (gold, silver, etc.)金属The government is talking about mining asteroids for metals.政府正在讨论从小行星上采集金属。 metal n as adj (made of metal)金属的;金属制成的She's carrying water in a metal pail.她用金属水桶提水。 metal n informal (music: heavy rock) (音乐)重金属音乐Erin liked to listen to metal.艾琳喜欢听重金属音乐。 其他翻译 metal, road metal n (material for making, mending roads)铺路用的碎石The construction worker poured metal into the pot hole. metal n (glass)玻璃溶液The glassblower turned the metal on the rod. metal [sth] vtr (put road metal on)在…上面铺碎石;用碎石铺(路)The city metaled the damaged roads. metal [sth] vtr (cover with metal)用金属包;用金属装饰The jeweler metaled the stone figurine. 复合形式: base metal n (non-precious metal)贱金属It was a cheap base metal but the gold plating made it look expensive. casting, metal casting n (pouring molten metal)铸造;浇铸These bronze reliefs were made by casting.这些青铜浮雕是通过浇铸制成的。 earth metals npl (metallic minerals)土金属 heavy metal n (metal with high density)重金属Heavy metals, like lead and mercury, are toxic and therefore are a frequent environmental problem. heavy metal n (hard rock music)“重金属”摇滚乐;节奏感很强的摇滚乐She was not pleased when her son's heavy metal band began practicing in the basement. inoxidizable metal n (metal that is rust-resistant)防锈金属;防氧化金属 metal detector n (gadget that detects buried metal)金属探测器A man using a metal detector found Viking coins buried in a field. metal goblet n (drinking cup made of metal)金属高脚杯The metal goblet was set with precious stones, and was obviously originally made for a very wealthy man. metal sheeting n (metallic panel used in construction) (建筑)金属板 metal worker, metalworker n ([sb] who forges or shapes metal)锻造金属的工人I hired a metalworker to restore the antique iron trellis in my garden. metalworker, metal worker n ([sb] who forges or shapes metal)金属品加工工人I hired a metalworker to restore the antique iron trellis in my garden. nonmetal, non-metal adj (not metallic)非金属的;非金属性的 nonmetal, non-metal n (chemical element without properties of a metal)非金属性化学元素;非金属元素;非金属 pot metal n (copper and lead alloy)铜铅合金 pot metal n (cheap alloy various metals)铸铁 pot metal, pot-metal glass n (stained glass)铜铅合金有色玻璃 precious metal n (valuable metallic element: gold, etc.)贵金属;贵重金属 scrap metal n (discarded metal)废金属They sold the scrap metal when they tore down the old building. sheet metal n (metal in flat sheet form)金属片I used to run a machine that bent sheet metal into various shapes. terne, terne metal n (alloy: lead with tin)铅锡合金 thrash, thrash metal n (music: heavy metal)重金属摇滚乐You couldn't drag me to a concert where they played thrash.




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