

词汇 in the right
释义 in the right
in the right发音



win the fight───赢得战斗

in the rough───未完成的;未加工的;大致上

inside right───右内锋

the right───右翼

in the eighties───八十年代

in the light of───根据,按照;当作;由于,鉴于

see the light───出现;领悟

in the slightest───丝毫;根本

in the spotlight───处于公众注意的中心;出风头


Though he looks stern, he has his heart in the right place.───他看起来严厉, 可是心眼儿不错.

He was always to be seen in the right places.───他总是会出现在一些体面的地方。

It was unquestionably a step in the right direction.───这无疑是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

She wasn't entirely in the right.───她并非完全占理。

He is lame in the right leg.───他右腿跛.

The writer has planted his characters in the right thoughts.───那位作者赋予作品中的人物合乎情理的思想.

He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one.───他擦去了错误答案,写上了正确答案.

We ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.───我们保证把这项工作做好.

He has a visual impairment in the right eye.───他右眼视力有损伤。

The tools are not put in the right place.───工具放的不是地方.

We have to nudge politicians in the right direction.───我们必须把搞政治的推向正确的方向.

This won't solve the problem but it's a step in the right direction.───这虽不能解决问题,却是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

He struck out the wrong word and put in the right one.───他划掉错别字换上正确的.

government is seen as one that will steer the country in the right direction.───新政府被认为能将这个国家引向正确的方向。

The burning liquid hit him full in the right eye.───滚烫的液体正好溅进了他的右眼。

Lewis was not in the right frame of mind to continue.───刘易斯当时的心情不适合继续下去。

Walking, done in the right way, is a form of aerobic exercise.───走路,如果方法正确的话,也是一种有氧健身运动。

Legally, the local tax office is in the right.───从法律的角度来说,当地税务局的做法是无可厚非的。


He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one.

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