

词汇 intangible quality
释义 intangible quality
intangible quality发音



intangible property───无形财产

image quality───[计]图像质量;图像品质


intangible assets───[经]无形资产

distinctive quality───独特性

enhance the quality───提高质量

admirable quality───令人钦佩的品质

dreamlike quality───梦幻般的品质

incredible ability───不可思议的能力


speaks to Vergeer's greatest talent, and an intangible quality shared by all champion athletes: her mental strength.───说起沃吉尔最大的天赋,就像所有冠军选手一样,她拥有一项无形的才能——精神力。

The intangible quality that separates many successful people from talented people who fail is the sheer force of their wills.───许多成功人士之所以能领先于那些才华横溢的失败者,靠的是他们坚定的意志力这种无形特质。

His instincts were amazing considering his age, and he demonstrated that intangible quality of making everyone else on the court better.───他的本能,人了不起考虑他的年龄,他证明了无形的品质,使大家对法院更好。

They might be about some intangible quality you wish you had, or about a connection that's strictly emotional or professional.───它们或许就是你希望的但是难以言表的东西,或许与专注某种情感有关。

That speaks to Vergeer's greatest talent, and an intangible quality shared by all champion athletes: her mental strength.───说起沃吉尔最大的天赋,就像所有冠军选手一样,她拥有一项无形的才能——精神力。

An intangible quality that keeps our valued guests returning again again, which drives us to deliver the best service in the industry.───这种无形的特性使我们重要的客人再次光临我们,并促使我们在同行业中提供最好的服务。

a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing.───环绕在人或事物的周围的有特色但却无形的环境。

Intellectual capital is the core of the business capital. It is difficult to value because of the intangible quality.───智力资本是企业最核心的资本,因其具有无形性的特点而难以计量。


She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.

The island has an intangible quality of holiness.





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