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词汇 intangible assets
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tangible assets───[经]有形资产

invisible assets───无形资产

financial assets───[金融]金融资产


intangible property───无形财产

intangible properties───无形财产

intangible quality───无形质量

chargeable assets───应课税资产



Long - term assets are classified into tangible assets and intangible assets.───长期 资产可以分为有形资产和无形资产.

Yeah, I will account for the land use right in Intangible assets.───是的, 我会在无形资产中核算土地使用权.

Asset can be divided into tangible and intangible assets.───asset:资产可分为有形和无形资产.

Intangible assets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and franchise.───无形资产包括商誉 、 专利权 、 商标 、 版权, 以及专营权.

In this intangible assets relate to how the club value their players.───而这些资产是取决于球队对自己球员的估价.

Agricultural intangible assets AIS is the main part of intangible assets.───农业无形资产是无形资产的重要组成部分.

Increase in amortisation expenses of intangible assets arising from.───收购产生的无形资产摊销开支增加.

The company fixed assets, intangible assets, valuation and accounting management.───公司固定资产 、 无形资产的计价、入帐管理.

Long - term assets are classified into tangible assets intangible assets.───长期 资产分为有形资产和无形资产.

's also add in America's intangible assets.───还不包括美国的无形资产。

The basis of valuation for intangible assets is cost.───评估无形资产的基础是成本.

Other intangible assets for which no amortized expense may be calculated for deduction.───其他不得计算摊销费用扣除的无形资产。

The straight - line method normally is used for amortizing intangible assets.───摊销无形资产通常用直线折旧法.

Finally puts forward improvement of intangible assets appraisal management system.───最后提出了完善无形资产评估管理体系的相关建议.

Intangible assets analysis evaluates the important segment that is intangible assets management.───无形资产分析评价是无形资产治理的重要环节.

the following intangible assets, no amortized expense may be calculated.───下列无形资产不得计算摊销费用扣除。

The cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably.───该无形资产的成本能够可靠地计量.

Article 19 Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized.───第十九条使用寿命不确定的无形资产不应摊销.


The problem lies in how intangible assets are defined and valued.

Intangible assets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and franchise.

Measurement Intangible assets, such as knowledge and learning, account for a large part of a company's value.

The bank's accounts have just revealed that its intangible assets have shrunk alarmingly.

Increase in amortisation expenses of intangible assets arising from.

Asset can be divided into tangible and intangible assets.

The group's total intangible assets come to £13.922m, and total fixed and current assets to £24.869m.

Castle now carries audio copyrights under intangible assets at directors' valuation instead of at cost less amortisation.

The basis of valuation for intangible assets is cost.





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