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词汇 insurance companies
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insurance company───保险公司

finance companies───财务公司;融资公司;信贷公司

dance companies───舞蹈团

insurance claims───[保险]保险索赔

insurance classes───保险类别

insurance policies───保险政策;[保险]保险单(insurancepolicy的复数)

mutual insurance companies───互助保险公司

haulage companies───托运公司;运输公司

insurance claim───[保险]保险索赔


Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.───保险公司正试图通过提高保费来弥补损失。

A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.───一些人试图从保险公司敲一笔钱。

Close to banks, insurance companies, post office and supermarkets.───周围遍布银行, 保险公司, 邮局和超市等.

Insurance companies insured ships and their cargoes against loss at sea.───保险公司为船舶和船货承保了海损险.

AIA insurance company for Southeast Asia leading insurance companies.───总公司友邦保险为东南亚首屈一指的保险公司.

Arrange hospital, in clinic mobile medical and paramedical examinations for insurance companies.───为保险公司安排医院 、 诊所及流动体格检查.

The campaign will target American insurance companies.───这场运动将以美国的保险公司为目标。

In extreme cases, insurance companies can prosecute for fraud.───个别极端的情况下,保险公司可以欺诈罪提出起诉。

Other people have health insurance. They pay insurance premiums each month to insurance companies.───另外一些人有医疗保险, 他们每月向保险公司付保险费.

Non - life insurance companies faced with another major risk for financial risk.───非 寿险公司面临的另一大风险为财务风险.

I am optimistic, in particular commercial banks and non - life insurance companies.───我目前尤其看好商业银行和 非 寿险公司.

A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.───有些人试图榨取保险公司的钱。

Insurance companies are certainly not immune to economic slowdown.───保险公司当然无法幸免于经济低迷.

Bank insurance companies in the channel marketing play a rather important position.───银行保险在公司多渠道营销中占有相当重要的位置.

It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of Hartford.───它有哈特福德的保险公司的庞大的储备资金.

They are employed at head offices or branches of insurance companies.───他们受雇于保险公司的总公司或分公司.

In extreme cases, insurance companies can prosecute for fraud.───在极个别情况下,保险公司会起诉骗保行为。

They are obfuscating the issue, as only insurance companies can.───他们在此问题上混淆视听,这事只有保险公司才做得出来。


They are obfuscating the issue, as only insurance companies can.

A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.

They inflated clients' medical treatment to defraud insurance companies.

These insurance companies take forever to settle a claim.

In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money.

The campaign will target American insurance companies.

Insurance companies try to persuade them to cover themselves against illness or death.

Insurance companies face hefty payouts for storm damage.

Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.

  • insurance marketplace
  • insurance company inside
  • insurance claim
  • insurance business
  • insurance broker




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