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词汇 still
释义 stillUK:*/ˈstɪl/US:/stɪl/ ,(stil)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 still adv (as before)仍然;还是;还是He hadn't eaten breakfast, but he was still not hungry.他没吃早饭,但仍然不觉得饿。usage: position in sentence• You usually put still after the first auxiliary verb in a verb phrase. For example, you say ‘He was still waiting’. Don't say ‘He still was waiting’.He could still get into serious trouble.I've still got $10 left.• If there is no auxiliary verb, you put still in front of the verb, unless the verb is be. She still lives in London.I still need more money.• If the verb is be, you put still after it.She was still beautiful.There is still a chance the plan could fail.• In conversation, still is sometimes put at the end of a sentence.We have a lot to do still.Don't use ‘still’ with this meaning at the beginning of a sentence. Don't say, for example ‘Still we have a lot to do’. still adv with a negative (yet, even now)至今仍然;迄今为止还I can't talk to him; we still haven't been introduced.我不能和他说话,因为我们至今仍没介绍彼此呢。 still, but still adv (even so)然而;但是;尽管是这样He hadn't eaten breakfast; still he was not hungry.他没有吃早餐,然而还是不饿。 still adj (motionless)静止的;不动的The still water of the lake was beautiful.湖面波澜不兴,非常美丽。 still adj (calm, silent)平静的;寂静的;静谧的The woods were completely still with not a sound to be heard.那片森林完全静寂,听不到一丝声响。 still adj (drink: not fizzy) (饮料等)不含碳酸气的,不冒泡的Please bring me some still water.请给我拿些无汽矿泉水过来。 其他翻译 still adj (at rest)安静下来的;一动不动的The children were at last still and slept quietly in their beds.The still sleepers snored gently.最终孩子们安静下来,在他们的床上静静地睡着了。// 睡着的人们一动不动,轻声打着鼾。 still adj (silent)宁静的;无声的It was a very still night and not a sound could be heard.那是个宁静的夜晚,万籁俱寂。 still adj (hushed)寂静的;静下来的The shocked spectators, so loud a moment before, were in a still state after seeing the champion lose.在看到昔日冠军败下阵来时,观众们目瞪口呆,全都安静下来了,要知道片刻前他们还十分喧哗吵闹。 still adj (water: without waves) (指水面)平静无波的The sea looked very still and flat that day.那一天,海面看起来平静无波。 still adj (photography) (摄影)定格的,静止的The still shot was beautiful.那个定格摄影作品很美。 still n (silence)寂静;无声In the still of the night, he took her in his arms.在寂静的夜里,他将她揽入怀中。 still n (stillness)宁静;静谧The still of the morning was beautiful.早晨的静谧很是迷人。 still n (photography) (摄影)静物摄影,静物照片,定格画面,剧照The art exhibition displayed some of his stills of birds flying.该艺术展展示了他拍摄的一部分飞鸟的摄影作品。 still n (alcohol: distilling) (制酒的)蒸馏器This whiskey still has been used for over 40 years.人们已经使用这个威士忌蒸馏器超过40年了。 still [sb/sth] vtr (to silence)使寂静;使无声He stilled the crowd with his shocking speech. still [sth/sb] vtr (to calm)使平静;使镇定;使安静下来She stilled the excited children with a calming look. still [sth/sb] vtr (make motionless)使静止;使不动He stilled the camera before taking the shot. 复合形式: but still expr (even so)即使如此;但仍 it's early days, it's still early days, it's early days yet expr UK, informal (situation may change)为时过早;言之过早 keep still vi + adj (not move)保持不动The mother told her son to keep still as she tried to cut his hair. keep [sth/sb] still vtr + adj (hold steady)使…保持不动You need one person to keep the cat still and another to trim its claws. lie still vi + adv (lie down motionless)保持静止;躺着不动 pot still (brewing)罐式蒸馏器;壶式蒸馏器 stand still vi (not move)一动不动地站着Stand still or the photo will turn out blurred. stand still vi figurative (not change, progress)静止;静止不动Time had stood still: my grandparents' house looked exactly as it did when I was a child. stay still vi (remain motionless)别动;不要动 still and all expr US, informal (nonetheless)虽然如此 still be going, be still going v expr (person, animal: continue to be alive)还活着Even after ninety years, the old man was still going. still be going, be still going v expr ([sth]: continue to be open or active)还开着;还在The newsagent's on the corner of my street is still going after forty years. still image n (static or still-frame picture)静止图像,静态图像 still life n (art form)静物This artist specializes in still life, but occasionally does portraits.这位艺术家擅长静物画,但偶尔也画肖像画。 still life, plural: still lifes n (artwork)静物画I hung a Cezanne print on the wall: a still life of a bowl of apples.我在墙上挂了一幅塞尚的画作:一碗苹果的静物画。 still more adv (even more, yet more)更加Sometimes if you tell someone that they cannot have something, they want it still more. still photography n (art of taking static pictures)静态摄影 still standing adj (having survived or endured)依然存在,依然矗立,依然坚守 still water n (mineral water without bubbles)死水I prefer still water to carbonated. still-life n as adj (art: relating to a still life)静物的The painter took many hours to put together her still-life setup. still-life painting n (art form)静物画The artist specializes in still-life painting. still-life painting n (artwork)静物画Van Gogh did many still-life paintings of flowers. stock still, stock-still adj (completely unmoving)一动不动的,纹丝不动的 worse still adv (even more unfortunately)更糟的是;更不幸的是 worse still adj (even more unfortunate)更糟的;更不幸的 yet still expr (even so)尽管这样,然而Miranda says she eats a gluten-free diet; yet still, I saw her eating a bagel yesterday. be young, still be young v expr literary, humorous (night, evening: only just have started)还早;不晚You aren't going home already? The night is still young!天色尚早呢!你这就要回家啊?




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